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Southern Ocean data sharing tools in a global data management community

NOC authors: Joana Beja De Almeida E Silva
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Conference item

Species replacement dominates megabenthos beta diversity in a remote seamount setting

NOC authors: Lisette Victorero-Gonzalez, Katleen Robert, Veerle Huvenne
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

State of the UK climate 2017

NOC authors: Svetlana Jevrejeva, Andrew Matthews
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Strengthening Europe’s capability in biological ocean observations

NOC authors: larbo, Julie Robidart
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Monograph

Structure and Transport of the North Atlantic Current in the Eastern Subpolar Gyre From Sustained Glider Observations

NOC authors: Loïc Houpert
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Submarine canyons and gullies

NOC authors: Veerle Huvenne, Claudio Lo Iacono
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Book section

Super Storm Desmond: a process-based assessment

NOC authors: Gerard McCarthy
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Terrain‐aided navigation for long‐endurance and deep‐rated autonomous underwater vehicles

NOC authors: Georgios Salavasidis, Andrea Munafo, Catherine Harris, Thomas Prampart, Rob Templeton, Michael Smart, Daniel Roper, Miles Pebody, Steve McPhail, Alexander Phillips
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Terrestrial dissolved organic matter distribution in the North Sea

NOC authors: Stuart Painter, djla, cev, Daniel Mayor, Richard Sanders
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

The adaptation of dunes to changes in river flow

NOC authors: Chris Unsworth
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

The cold transit of Southern Ocean upwelling

NOC authors: Dafydd Gwyn Evans, George Nurser
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

The digital transformation of education

NOC authors: Val Byfield
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Book section

The formation of convolute lamination in mud-rich turbidites

NOC authors: James Hunt
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2017

NOC authors: Abby Bull, Chris Daniels, Edward Mawji, Helen Snaith
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

The global ocean observing system

NOC authors: Katherine (Katy) Hill
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Book section

The Impact of Nonequilibrium Flow on the Structure of Turbulence Over River Dunes

NOC authors: Chris Unsworth
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

The low-resolution version of HadGEM3 GC3.1: development and evaluation for global climate

NOC authors: Adam Blaker, rjel, Antony Siahaan
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

The Met Office Global Coupled Model 3.0 and 3.1 (GC3.0 and GC3.1) Configurations

NOC authors: Alex Megann
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

The nodal dependence of long-period ocean tides in the Drake Passage

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth, Angela Hibbert
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

The North Atlantic Ocean is in a state of reduced overturning

NOC authors: David Smeed, Simon Josey, Ben Moat, Eleanor Frajka-Williams, Darren Rayner, Gerard McCarthy
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

The planform mobility of river channel confluences: Insights from analysis of remotely sensed imagery

NOC authors: Mark Vardy
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

The Recent Atlantic Cold Anomaly: Causes, Consequences, and Related Phenomena

NOC authors: Simon Josey, Joel Hirschi, Bablu Sinha, Aurelie Duchez, Jeremy Grist
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

The sedimentology of river confluences

NOC authors: Mark Vardy
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

The silicon cycle impacted by past ice sheets

NOC authors: Alexander Beaton
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

The Slowing Gulf Stream? What we know and potential impacts (Policy Brief)

NOC authors: Ben Moat
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Monograph

The tidal measurements of James Cook during the voyage of the Endeavour

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

The UKC2 regional coupled environmental prediction system

NOC authors: albmar, Lucy Bricheno, emb, vib, hnd, tobmar, Ashley Brereton, kariho40, Jason Holt, nsr, John Siddorn
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

The weakly stratified bottom boundary layer of the global ocean

NOC authors: donban, David Smeed, Miguel Morales Maqueda
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Topographic eddies

NOC authors: Eleanor Frajka-Williams
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Book section