Dr Tim Le Bas

Photograph of Dr Tim Le Bas
Ocean BioGeosciences
tim.lebas at noc.ac.uk

Multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data and side-scan sonar image processing and digital analysis on many systems including EM12, EM120, Reson 8101,7101,7125, TOBI and Geoacoustics and others. Development of new processing techniques for any type of acoustic system. Object Based Image Analyis software (RSOBIA). Marine geophysical databasing and Data Archive. Database management. Oceanographic Geographical Information Systems (GIS Marine). Co-coordinator of the 3rd-year Seafloor exploration and surveying course. Cape Verde morphology, mass wasting and erosion. Habitat Mapping methods and techniques - such as classification and texture mapping.

GIS, OBIA, Sonar processing, seafloor mapping

Ocean Margins Data Management Quality Assurance Committee