Marine Seismologist
2020 – 2026 International member of the French National High-Sea Fleet Commission (CNFH)
2023 – 2026 Member of Marine Facilities Advisory Board (MFAB)
Member of Marine Geophysical Research journal editorial board
Goban Spur: Quantifying evolution of magmatism and serpentinisation during the onset of seafloor spreading, NERC NSF-GEO, PI (2022 - 2026)
MOET: Managing the Environmental Sustainability of the Offshore Energy Transition, NERC NC-LTSM, CoI & Task1.3 lead (2022 - 2027)
FOCUS: Future states of the global coastal ocean: understanding for solutions, NERC NC-International, CoI, (2022 - 2027)
NERC short project: Determining emission pathways through marine sediments – application to Carbon Capture and Storage; NERC; PI (2022, six months)
EHMPRES: NERC Global Partnership Seedcorn fund, NERC Global Partnership, CoI (2022-2023)
ULTRA: Ultramafic-hosted mineral Resource Assessment, NERC Highlight Topics, CoI & Geophysics work package lead (2018 - 2026)
BLUE: Bayesian Localisation in the Underwater Environment, DSTL, CoI (2020 - 2022)
Desktop study of Bangladesh gas hydrates, Bangladesh ministry of foreign affairs, PI (2019-2022)
Marine mineral resources: Scientific and Technological Advances, International Seabed Authority, PI (2019 – 6 months)
CHIMNEY: Characterisation of major overburden leakage pathways above sub-seafloor CO2 storage reservoirs in the North Sea, NERC Highlight Topics, PDRA (2017 - 2021)