INSPIRE – the Interdisciplinary Southampton Partnership for Investigators Researching the Environment

INSPIRE will equip environmental scientists to excel in their chosen field, to thrive in interdisciplinary research teams, to apply cutting edge technology to environmental research, and to act as ambassadors of global environmental issues to industry and society. We will train students in research, professional and transferable skills within world-leading research teams to enable them to develop as future leaders.


The Centre for Doctoral Training for Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT) will train the next generation of research practitioners who will make a tangible difference to future flood management in the UK and internationally. Our goal is to provide a nurturing and inspiring training environment to develop the independent future leaders we need who can translate research and innovation into practice.

Manchester and Liverpool Doctoral Training Programme

The NOC is the host partner of the Manchester and Liverpool Doctoral Training Programme, a NERC funded training programme designed to train the next generation of environmental researchers focusing on the themes of atmosphere, ocean, earth and environmental sciences.

EPSRC Centre of Doctoral Training in the Mathematics for our Future Climate (MFC)

The EPSRC Centre of Doctoral Training in the Mathematics for our Future Climate (MFC) is an interdisciplinary initiative that harnesses the power of mathematics to address the issues presented by climate change. By joining our community, you will embark on a journey of research, collaboration, and hands-on experience in shaping the future of our planet. You will be a part of a student cohort that this doctoral training programme will equip with skills in theory for climate science, (geo)physical sciences, scientific computing, statistics and data analysis. The MFC PhD programme involves Imperial College London, the University of Reading and the University of Southampton, as well as more than 50 academic and industrial partners focused on ocean, weather and climate services (such as the National Oceanography Centre, the National Centre for Earth Observations, the UK Meteorological Office, and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) , and on key sectors of the UK economy (such as the insurance, energy, water and marine sectors).

NEXUSS – Next Generation Unmanned Systems Science

NEXUSS is a NERC/EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training, led by the University of Southampton, in the use of Smart and Autonomous Observing Systems (SAOS) to tackle major challenges in the environmental sciences where progress requires real-time, continuous, sustained and high-resolution observations. The NEXUSS Partnership is at the forefront of UK research and training excellence in the development and environmental application of SAOS. NEXUSS doctoral training is underpinned by a sustained stream of SAOS experiments across all of Earth’s environments, including the most remote and challenging.

Oxford Doctoral Training Programme in Environmental Research

The NOC is a partner in the Oxford DTP in Environmental Research, which offers a world class, multidisciplinary training environment for the next generation of researchers working at the frontiers of Environmental Research. The NOC is engaged with the theme of the physical climate system, with the aim of securing joint PhD students for suitable research using output from our high resolution global models. Our areas of interest include ocean and climate variability and the relevant dynamical processes. The NOC has been represented at the annual student workshops, has hosted a visit by a small group of interested students, and is actively talking with potential supervisors at Oxford University.

SENSE – Centre for Satellite Data in Environmental Science

This Earth Observation CDT is an exciting new centre funded by the Natural Environment Research Council and the UK Space Agency, that wil train 50 PhD students to tackle cross-disciplinary environmental problems, by applying state-of-the-art data science methods to the deluge of satellite data collected each day. Our graduates will be supervised by a consortium of world-leading data companies. By training a new generation of industry-experienced satellite data specialists, we will support the growing strategic importance of remote sensing within the UK space sector, and enhance the UK's profile as an international leader in Earth Observation science. SENSE CDT is currently advertising new projects with an application deadline of 30 October 2023 Apply Now