The NOC has the vision to be one of the world’s top three oceanographic institutions inventing, designing, building, deploying and commercialising sensors and instruments for marine and environmental science with a beneficial societal impact.

Ocean technology and engineering is a highly multi-disciplinary team engaging staff from the fundamental sciences, engineering, analytical and marine science. The NOC is extremely collaborative and is always seeking new partnerships with academia and industry for collaborations, commissioned research and development, and commercialisation of existing products. Our six areas of technology development focus on differing aspects in the creation of new technologies and tools to aid oceanographic and aquatic science.

Research areas

  • Multidisciplinary Projects

    Team lead: Allison Schaap

    The Multidisciplinary Project Team focuses on research engineering and development of ocean metrology systems, integrating the various sensor research strands from the OTE group through the delivery of numerous research projects. Our group performs engineering research into specialist sensing transduction methodologies including microfluidics, optics, and electrochemistry. We also perform systems design, prototype manufacture, proof of concept systems testing and method optimisation, and support for field deployments. Collectively this team has the expertise to undertake or coordinate full system development from initial concept through early production systems to scientific deployments.

  • Analytical Science

    Team lead: Socratis Loucaides

    The Analytical Science team translates the ocean observing community’s needs into novel technological solutions. We develop and optimise analytical techniques for autonomous sensor applications and conceive of new scientific measurements that are amenable to automation. We acquire funding independently and in collaboration with scientists for novel technology development projects and cutting edge scientific applications from the surface to the deep ocean.

  • Mechanical Engineering

    Team lead: Kevin Saw

    Mechanical engineering provides engineering design, small-quantity manufacture, assembly and support for operations to other groups at the NOC and externally. Engineers work with scientists to design and develop a wide range of equipment, from sub-assemblies for complex autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) to simple clamps for attaching instruments to frames.

  • Electronics and Software

    Team lead: Chris Cardwell

    Our engineers in the Electronics and Software Team are experts in designing high accuracy, low power measurement and control systems for sensors, samplers and other devices being deployed in harsh environments including full ocean pressure rated, temperature extremes and other areas where regular user interaction is limited. Often, engineering solutions have to survive for a minimum of 12 months so remote data telemetry, remote system control and device stability are essential. Designs are bespoke and are created to fit the application.

    We provide custom solutions to diverse scientific requirements for scientists and engineers internal and external to the NOC, including the wider UK Research and Innovation community, Higher Education Institutions and Industrial partners.

    We provide custom solutions to diverse scientific requirements for scientists and engineers internal and external to the NOC, including the wider UK Research and Innovation community, Higher Education Institutions and Industrial partners.

Research and Development

Scientists and engineers at NOC are currently developing a number of technologies through commissioned Research and Development (R&D), funded by RCUK, EC and industry. These technologies span microsensors to large landers that can operate on the seabed for up to ten years. Technology being developed by scientists at NOC generally fit into the following categories.

  • Lab-on-chip Sensors

    Sensors able to measure a range of biogeochemical parameters including nutrients carbonate chemistry, trace metals, cells and nucleic acids. The sensors are designed to integrate with a range of autonomous vehicles.

    See here for more information about sensors and instruments in development

  • Other Sensors

    We have a range of optical, radar, acoustic and pressure sensor systems for marine applications.

    See here for more information about sensors and instruments in development

  • Samplers

    Gas tight water samples, trace metal and less than 2700bar. Particle samplers – neutrally buoyant sediment traps (PELAGRA) and microbiology sampler and nucleic acid preserver (MAPS).

  • Landers

    Ten-year duration deep-sea landers and communication systems landers for coastal and littoral zone.

  • Wave-buoy

    Used in the open ocean to measure breaking waves with millimetre resolution.

  • Sediment Properties

    Multi-wavelength optical backscatter.

  • Telemetry

    Acoustic telemetry for shallow and deep ocean use, BGAN and Iridium telemetry for remote areas.


The National Oceanography Centre has a range of facilities available for the development and testing of marine equipment. These facilities are also available for external use on request.

For more information about the available to the marine science community at the NOC, visit Labs, Workshops and Testing Facilities.

  • Laboratories

    In Southampton, we have: Optics Laboratory, Calibration Laboratory, Bonding Laboratory, Sensors Workshop, Chemistry Laboratory, Ellsworth Laboratory and Electronics Laboratory.

  • Molecular Laboratory (National Facility)

    A well-equipped molecular biology and Class II microbiology national facility containing an Illumina MiSeq sequencer and a suite of analytical instrumentation, safety cabinets and isolators. Contact: Annika Simpson, Southampton.

  • Pressure Testing Facility

    The NOC offers pressure testing with temperature control (−10°C to 35°C) up to 690bar. Contact: Kevin Saw, Southampton

  • Precision Engineering

    Bespoke engineering solutions for shallow and deep ocean application Contact: Kevin Saw, Southampton, David Jones, Liverpool
