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Negative social tipping dynamics resulting from and reinforcing Earth system destabilization

NOC authors: spear
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Article

Swirls and scoops: Ice base melt revealed by multibeam imagery of an Antarctic ice shelf

NOC authors: kelgan, petvis, Tiago Segabinazzi Dotto, rdla
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Article

On the choice of training data for machine learning of geostrophic mesoscale turbulence

NOC authors: jmak
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Article

Linear instability and weakly nonlinear effects in eastward dipoles

NOC authors: Igor Shevchenko
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Article

A stakeholder-guided marine heatwave hazard index for fisheries and aquaculture

NOC authors: Jules Kajtar
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Article

Observations of diapycnal upwelling within a sloping submarine canyon

NOC authors: Carl Spingys
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Article

On energy‐aware hybrid models

NOC authors: Igor Shevchenko
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Article

Mitigating masked pixels in a climate-critical ocean dataset

NOC authors: Christian Buckingham
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Article

Florida Current transport observations reveal four decades of steady state

NOC authors: David Smeed, Ben Moat
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Article

Edge-wave phase shifts versus normal-mode phase tilts in an Eady problem with a sloping boundary

NOC authors: jmak
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Article

Wind Forcing Controls on Antarctic Bottom Water Export from the Weddell Sea via Bottom Boundary Layer Processes

NOC authors: chrauc39, epab, mmm, Carl Spingys
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Article

Evaluating Existing Ocean Glider Sampling Strategies for Submesoscale Dynamics

NOC authors: Ryan Patmore, jambre
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Article

Report on the Marine Imaging Workshop 2022

NOC authors: Jennifer Durden, Loïc Van Audenhaege
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Monograph

A threshold in submarine channel curvature explains erosion rate and type

NOC authors: Mike Clare, Maarten Heijnen
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Article

State of the UK Climate 2023

NOC authors: Svetlana Jevrejeva, Andrew Matthews, Joanne Williams
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Article

Riverine concentrations and export of dissolved silicon, and potential controls on nutrient stoichiometry, across the land–ocean continuum in Great Britain

NOC authors: atye, hpj, spear, nadise, jwl, djla, donm, Richard Sanders, Daniel Mayor, mibo, mbow, anrd, natcal, garethf, Stacey Felgate, Geoff Hargreaves, olih, pkeenan, mdj, Adrian Martin, iaian1, mdgds, jussze91, amypic92, Mark Stinchcombe, cev
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Article

Multisatellite altimetry calibration and validation using a GNSS Wave Glider in the North Sea

NOC authors: Peter Foden
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Article

Ice sheet‐albedo feedback estimated from most recent deglaciation

NOC authors: B. B. Cael
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Article

A sustainable blue economy may not be possible in Tanzania without cutting emissions

NOC authors: Zoe Jacobs, Sarah Taylor, Ekaterina Popova
Publication Year: 2024
Publication type: Article