Satellite oceanography
Measuring salinity from space, including involvement in the SMOS mission. Radar altimeter measurements of waves. Rain’s effect on altimetry and the estimation of rain from satellite sensors. Sea state bias in radar altimeter height measurements. Use of GNRR-S to measure surface roughness.
Agulhas and Madagascar Current systems
As revealed by altimetry, SST, ocean colour and models, and in situ observations (ship-based and moorings). Particular interest in the Madagascar bloom, including the relationship between biology and mesoscale eddies.
Biological-physical interactions in the upper ocean
Studying plankton patchiness using ship-based and satellite observations, including surface to subsurface links. Assimilation of data into biological models. Near real-time assimilation of cruise data into a biological-physical model. Application of dynamical systems and synchronisation theory to plankton patchiness. Adaptive unstructured grid modelling of biological-physical interactions.
Surface waves, rogue waves and wave breaking.
Theory, observations, statistics, including waves on Titan. Microseisms and what they can tell us about surface waves.
Rapid climate change (RAPID)
Science coordinator of the Rapid Climate Change (RAPID) programme (2001-2023)
Science coordinator Changing North Atlantic (CNA) programme (2020-2023)
- Editor of Geophysical Research Letters (2007–2013)
- Associate Director of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion (2012–2015)
- Editorial Board of Scientific Data [Nature Publishing Group] (2014 to present)
- Editor Ocean Science (2023 to present)
- Scientific Advisory Panel Newton Gateway to Mathematics (2024 to present)
- International Advisory Board member Faraday Institute for Science and Religion (2015 to present)
- Chair of NEODAAS Steering Committee (2016 to 2020)
- Member of the Space Academic Network (SPAN) Earth Observation Sciences Working Group (2020-2023)
- Member of the CLIVAR AMOC Task Team (2021-2023)