At any one time scientists and technicians from the UK marine community can be at sea on numerous vessels. This page provides information on the current research expeditions being undertaken by our two Royal Research Ships Discovery and James Cook. Here you can discover where our ships are and what they are aiming to achieve.

Updates from the ships’ Plans of Intended Movement (PIM)

RRS DiscoveryRRS James Cook

DTG: 030125 0730T

Zone: UTC −4

Exped: DY187

Subj: PIM


Pos: 27 25N 068 45W

Co: 101°T

Spd: 10.5kts

WX: NNW F2. Part cloudy, fine and clear. Low seas.


Status: Passage to Lisbon. 6 ARGO floats to deploy en route.

DTG: 170125 0700

Zone: UTC −3

Exped: JC273

Subj: PIM


Posn: 35 36.3S 052 49.9W

Co: Various to Drifter buoy deployments

Spd: VAR

WX: ENE x F3/4, fine and clear , Slight sea and swell.

Status: Recovered seismic array. Currently deploying drifter buoys for a 24 hour soak.

Intentions: Recover ALR PM/17th and then monitor drifters and conduct CTDs as required