At any one time scientists and technicians from the UK marine community can be at sea on numerous vessels. This page provides information on the current research expeditions being undertaken by our two Royal Research Ships Discovery and James Cook. Here you can discover where our ships are and what they are aiming to achieve.

Updates from the ships’ Plans of Intended Movement (PIM)

RRS DiscoveryRRS James Cook







DTG: 140325 0900

Zone: UTC+2

Exped: DY190 - Hydromox

Subj: DY PIM


Pos: 36 32N, 025 29 E

Co: DP

Spd: 0 kts

WX: SE F4. Partly cloudy, fine and clear. Calm seas and low swell.

Status: On station at Kolombo Volcano

Intentions: SVP dip

ROV dive

OBS recoveries / re-deployments

MacLane RA Pumps

Gravity Coring











Cruise: JC275

DTG: 140325 0738

Time Zone: UTC-1

Position: 16° 00'S 019° 00'W

Course: DP

Speed: 0kts

Wind: ESE f4

Sea: low sea and swell

Status: station B

Intentions: VMP. Wirewalker recovery