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An evaluation of deep water navigation systems for autonomous underwater vehicles

NOC authors: Davide Fenucci, Andrea Munafo
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

An improved database of coastal flooding in the United Kingdom from 1915 to 2016

NOC authors: Jennifer Brown
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

An introduction to the physical oceanography of six seamounts in the southwest Indian Ocean

NOC authors: jfr, rtp
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Anomalous blocking over Greenland preceded the 2013 extreme early melt of local sea ice

NOC authors: Thomas Cropper
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Application of marine radar to monitoring seasonal and event-based changes in intertidal morphology

NOC authors: Cai Bird, Paul Bell
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Arctic Ocean surface geostrophic circulation 2003-2014

NOC authors: Sheldon Bacon
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Atlantic Meridonal Overturning Circulation

NOC authors: Gerard McCarthy, David Smeed
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Book section

Autosub long range 1500: An ultra-endurance AUV with 6000 Km range

NOC authors: Daniel Roper, Alexander Phillips, Catherine Harris, Georgios Salavasidis, Miles Pebody, Rob Templeton, Sriram Vikraman Sithalakshmi Amma, Michael Smart, Steve McPhail
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Conference item

AUV active perception: Exploiting the water column

NOC authors: Andrea Munafo
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Conference item

Biodiversity loss from deep-sea mining

NOC authors: Daniel Jones
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Biogeochemistry, macronutrient and carbon cycling in the benthic layer, NERC

NOC authors: Henry Ruhl, Daniel Mayor
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Carbon export efficiency and phytoplankton community composition in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic Ocean

NOC authors: falm1f08, Alex Poulton, Stephanie Henson, Chris Daniels, Helen Smith, gant, Mikhail Zubkov
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Book section

Causes and consequences of diachronous V-shaped ridges in the North Atlantic Ocean

NOC authors: Bramley Murton
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Central sites. Atlantis Massif: Serpentinisation and life

NOC authors: Gaye Bayrakci
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Challenges in the management and regulation of large cooling water discharges

NOC authors: Andrew Wither
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Characteristics of meiofauna in extreme marine ecosystems: a review

NOC authors: Andrew Gooday
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Characterization and temperature dependence of Arctic Micromonas polaris viruses

NOC authors: Claire Evans
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Circulation, stratification and seamounts in the Southwest Indian Ocean

NOC authors: rtp, jfr
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Coccolithophore calcification response to past ocean acidification and climate change

NOC authors: Alex Poulton
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Book section

Compact-morphology-based poly-metallic nodule delineation

NOC authors: Daniel Jones
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Comparing bee species responses to chemical mixtures: common response patterns?

NOC authors: alerob, hhesketh, elmhiv, Alice Horton, csv, janbaa, mshe, dasp
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Composition of freshwater in the spring of 2014 on the southern Labrador shelf and slope

NOC authors: Penny Holliday, Sinhue Torres-Valdes
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Contribution of bacterial respiration to plankton respiration from 50°N to 44°S in the Atlantic Ocean

NOC authors: Elena García-Martín, mart1, Mikhail Zubkov
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Controls on the standing crop of benthic foraminifera at an oceanic scale

NOC authors: Daniel Jones
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Cooperative robotic networks for underwater surveillance: an overview

NOC authors: Andrea Munafo
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Copepod faecal pellet transfer through the meso- and bathypelagic layers in the Southern Ocean in spring

NOC authors: annbel, clanno, pwar, Stephanie Henson, Richard Sanders, gant
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article