The National Marine Equipment Pool (NMEP) is the largest centralised marine scientific equipment pool in Europe with a diverse range of scientific instruments and equipment capable of sampling from the sea surface to the deep ocean.
Suitable for studying a range of scientific disciplines, the NMEP holds more than 10,000 instruments and technologies, and provides scientists with access to skilled marine technicians and engineers. As part of our national capability remit, the NMEP delivers professional technological support to enable the marine science community to carry out world-class research.
Our people specialise in procurement, preparation, operation, deployment, repair, maintenance and calibration of the equipment that we provide to scientists for research expeditions. Technicians and engineers based at the NOC are responsible for instrumentation in the NMEP. Great care and attention to detail goes into the preparation of instruments for scientific expeditions to ensure that the instruments operate both reliably and consistently to provide the highest quality of data for our scientists. We also liaise with the international scientific community to provide advice and expertise towards design of future equipment using new technologies.
Equipment within the National Marine Equipment Pool is available for use by the marine science community. Contact us for more information or to arrange commercial hire of our instruments and vehicles.
Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are robot submarines, which are used to explore the world’s oceans and gather data without a pilot or any tether.
Gliders are a type of robotic underwater vehicle used for measuring oceanographic parameters such as chlorophyll levels, temperature and salinity, which are then transmitted back to the shore.
Autonomous Surface Vehicles
Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) are robotic vehicles that operate on the sea surface recording a range oceanographic data.
Remotely Operated Platforms
Going down to ocean depths needs specialised platforms for instruments. Some platforms are tethered, and are towed or lowered from the ship, collecting real-time data; others are stand-alone, to be deployed and then recovered several months later.
Scientific Engineering
Geophysical Surveys
Oil and gas industries often use seismic surveys to find reserves. Scientists can use the same techniques to look for bubbles associated with hydrothermal vents.
Oceanographic Sampling
A diverse range of methods and equipment are used for obtaining samples from the sea and seabed, depending on the material or measurement required.
Seafloor Sampling
A diverse range of methods and equipment are used for obtaining samples from the sea and seabed, depending on the material or measurement required.
Container Laboratories
Portable containerised laboratories provide extra facilities on board research ships when scientists need more space.
Trial equipment on board our research vessels
Contact the National Marine Facilities to enquire about equipment trials on board RRS Discovery or RRS James Cook