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Boundary mixing in Orkney Passage outflow

NOC authors: epab, mmm
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Tropical Pacific observing for the next decade

NOC authors: Katherine (Katy) Hill
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Delivering NCOF operational marine data through the internet

NOC authors: Jon Blower
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Understanding climate data through commentary metadata: The CHARMe project

NOC authors: Jon Blower
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Book section

Cloud computing in e-science: research challenges and opportunities

NOC authors: Jon Blower
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

An analysis of the climate of Macaronesia, 1865-2012

NOC authors: Thomas Cropper
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Spatial and temporal seasonal trends in coastal upwelling off Northwest Africa, 1981–2012

NOC authors: Thomas Cropper
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

The GLOSS Delayed Mode Data Centre and the GLOSS implementation Plan 2012

NOC authors: Elizabeth Bradshaw, Lesley Rickards, Simon Holgate
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Book section

Sea-level variability over five glacial cycles

NOC authors: Mark Tamisiea
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Multispecies diel transcriptional oscillations in open ocean heterotrophic bacterial assemblages

NOC authors: Robert Young
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Detection and impacts of leakage from sub-seafloor deep geological carbon dioxide storage

NOC authors: Anna Lichtschlag, Douglas Connelly, rame1, dal, djsm, Ian Wright, mcak
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Spatio-temporal patterns of C : N : P ratios in the northern Benguela upwelling system

NOC authors: Anita Flohr
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Evaluating a new NEMO-based Persian/Arabian Gulf tidal operational model

NOC authors: John Siddorn
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Modelling storm-induced beach/dune evolution: Sefton coast, Liverpool Bay, UK

NOC authors: Jennifer Brown
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Coring disturbances in IODP piston cores with implications for offshore record of volcanic events and the Missoula megafloods

NOC authors: Martin Jutzeler, Peter Talling
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Towards a new and integrated approach to submarine canyon research. Introduction

NOC authors: Veerle Huvenne
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Asphalt mounds and associated biota on the Angolan margin

NOC authors: Daniel Jones, Mike Clare
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Long-term (17 Ma) turbidite record of the timing and frequency of large flank collapses of the Canary Islands

NOC authors: James Hunt, Peter Talling, Mike Clare, Russell Wynn
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Large Submarine Landslides on Continental Slopes: Geohazards, Methane Release, and Climate Change

NOC authors: Peter Talling, Mike Clare, mu1g09, James Hunt
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Sea-level - induced seismicity and submarine landslide occurrence: Comment

NOC authors: mu1g09, Peter Talling, Mike Clare
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Distal turbidites reveal a common distribution for large (>0.1 km3) submarine landslide recurrence

NOC authors: Mike Clare, Peter Talling, James Hunt
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Bay of Bengal cyclone extreme water level estimate uncertainty

NOC authors: matwis, Kevin Horsburgh
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Investigating River–Surge Interaction in Idealised Estuaries

NOC authors: johske, Kevin Horsburgh
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Technical report on the intercalibration of the sensors on the LION mooring line

NOC authors: Loïc Houpert
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Monograph

Faster growth of the major prokaryotic versus eukaryotic CO2 fixers in the oligotrphic ocean

NOC authors: Mikhail Zubkov
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Stochastically-forced multidecadal variability in the North Atlantic: a model study

NOC authors: Jenny Mecking
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Strong downslope wind events in Ammassalik, Southeast Greenland

NOC authors: Marilena Oltmanns
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article
