Complementing our values are our commitments; to the environment, which we strive to protect, to our responsibility as a corporate entity, to keeping our suppliers, partners and employees safe at work and to helping our employees, across all areas, succeed and deliver great work.

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Our commitment to our people is to make the NOC a great place to be, where our people succeed and deliver great work. This is the goal of our People Strategy, which has been designed to support the achievement of the NOC’s purpose, and the vision of being one of the top three oceanographic institutes in the world.

We know that there are many reasons why our people enjoy working for the NOC, including:

  • The significance and scale of our mission – ‘to make sense of changing seas, upon which future human wealth and wellbeing depend’
  • Our ambition and reputation, supported with high-quality research facilities, equipment and technology
  • The opportunity to collaborate with experienced, skilled, renowned and widely-networked colleagues
  • Exciting projects and opportunities to make an impact.

In our 2016 Employee Engagement survey 81% said that they were proud to work for the NOC, and we recognise that to make the NOC ‘a great place to be’ also requires support for employees to do their best work. Our commitment is to strive to:

  • Have a strong, vibrant culture, with clear leadership, values and expectations, where people are well managed (as reflected in our Investors in People accreditation) and employees are listened to
  • Develop talent, through providing a variety of opportunities for learning and development, personal growth and career progression
  • Build a positive workplace, with equality of opportunity, diversity and inclusiveness valued; welfare and wellbeing support; flexible working; family friendly policies, and excellent working conditions.
  • Provide regular feedback, recognise and reward achievements fairly within the resources available, and offer a benefits package that include competitive pension and annual leave entitlements.

IIP logo Employer logo

NOC – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement

Our vision at the National Oceanography Centre is to be the world’s most innovative ocean research institution, making sense of changing seas for the benefit of humanity. We recognise that we cannot successfully do this without a strong and shared commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion from our people which underpin all of NOC’s shared values. At NOC we value individual differences and the rich diversity that this brings. We want to ensure that no-one is at a disadvantage or feels excluded because of who they are, what they believe in or the experiences that they bring.

We are committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion across our organisation and in our approach to working with others outside the organisation. As such, we aim to have a diverse workforce with colleagues from all backgrounds. We are committed to equality in the workplace and to unlocking the creative and innovative potential that comes from diversity so all our people feel valued and are able to perform at their best by being able to be themselves at work – so all are included and no one feels left out because of their race (including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin), age, gender identity, religion and beliefs, disability, sexual orientation, social background, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity. We will actively seek to avoid discrimination on the grounds of the above characteristics. NOC does not, and will not, tolerate racism nor any other forms of prejudice and discrimination, that ultimately undermines the dignity and value either of its colleagues or anyone else.

Our commitments extend beyond our duties and requirements under the Equality Act. They are a very cornerstone of who we are and why we exist. Through a dedicated and inclusive culture, strong human empathy, alongside the strength of our policies, procedures, expectations and ways of working, we continue to create a positive and supportive environment for everyone, allowing them in reaching their full potential and in bringing out their very best self.

Dignity at NOC for all

NOC is committed to protecting the dignity of all its staff, its visitors and its partners, both in their work and their interactions with others. This includes providing a working and learning environment that is free from discrimination, bullying, harassment and victimisation. It should be noted that discrimination, bullying, harassment and victimisation do not only take place face to face. They may also occur in written communications, by email, or by phone.

NOC recognises and takes seriously its duty of care to staff, understanding that inappropriate behaviour can result in stress and stress-related illness. All staff, and especially those who have responsibility for other members of staff, share this duty of care. NOC therefore expects all members of its community to treat each other with respect, courtesy and consideration. All staff have the right to expect professional behaviour from others and have a corresponding responsibility to behave professionally towards others.

Conduct in NOC Facilities and Premises

The NOC is a national science facility. In the direct or indirect delivery of its charitable purposes for its beneficiaries, the NOC opens its doors and provides access to its premises and its research ships to a wide range of people who may not be employed by the NOC such as those who use NOC-operated scientific facilities or who are collaborating with NOC staff. The NOC has a policy in place which sets out clear expectations of conduct for all who have access to NOC premises, facilities at its sites in Liverpool and Southampton and on the NOC managed research ships. In addition, it applies to the conduct of those with whom NOC staff are engaging in arranging for the use of NOC premises and facilities. All are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, respecting the dignity of all they work with.

The NOC also has a Code of Conduct Policy which applies to NOC staff and this policy aims to supplement that policy in respect of conduct involving persons who are not employed by NOC working in or with NOC-operated facilities, premises and research ships.

The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations came into effect on 6 April 2017, which made it a legal requirement for any type of organisation with over 250 employees to publish a report on their gender pay gap. The regulations apply to public bodies as well as private companies, charities, and other organisations. Therefore, NOC are required to publish data each year in relation to the Gender Pay Gap.

There are specific requirements around which employees are included, how the data is calculated, and which data is provided.

What is the gender pay gap?

The gender pay gap represents the disparity in average hourly pay between men and women within an organisation, expressed as a percentage of men's earnings. A positive percentage indicates that women earn less on average per hour than men, while a negative percentage indicates the opposite.

Essentially, it provides a broad perspective on an organisation's gender pay distribution.

NOC’s commitments

Equality and inclusion are fundamental principles at NOC, alongside excellence, integrity, and sustainability. We remain fully dedicated to fostering a workplace characterised by a steadfast commitment to diversity, equality, and inclusion.

Back in 2021, we introduced our Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DE&I) strategy at NOC. This takes a test, learn, and adapt approach across five initiatives, each identified for their positive impact on equality.

In the years following its implementation, our strategy has continued to support the reduction of our gender pay gap. As of April 2023, the UK gender pay gap stands at 14.3%* for comparison, NOC's gender pay gap stands at 3.61%.

Staff throughout our organisation actively participate in efforts to narrow our gender pay gap. They contribute expertise and guidance, identify, develop, and execute solutions, and serve as advocates for change across our entire NOC. They have a voice.

Our approach to data and metrics tracks progress, showcases impact, and ensures a clear understanding of how to optimise and direct our efforts effectively. Alongside dedicated microsites for each recruitment initiative, we utilise workforce dashboards to gauge uptake, effectiveness, and engagement. Moreover, we have a centralised dashboard aggregating and assessing data from all initiatives comprehensively.

As we enter 2025, our aim is to further deepen the integration of diversity and inclusion as core principles and expectations of our organisation. This involves strengthening our work methods and sustaining engagement, enthusiasm, and commitment to the initiatives that look to propel positive change.

You can find copies of NOC’s gender pay gap reports at the links below.

The National Oceanography Centres Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement 2024/25.

The following statement outlines the action taken by the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) and its wholly owned subsidiary, NOC Innovations (NOC-I) to prevent modern slavery & human trafficking in its business activities and supply chains during the 2023/24 financial year. The statement intends to fulfil NOC’s corporate responsibilities in relation to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and displays how NOC meets its corporate values and goals.

NOC is committed to understanding our blue planet. The ocean is the lifeblood of our world and yet so much remains undiscovered and its value overlooked. The science conducted at NOC supports our mission to go deeper to gain knowledge of the ocean, to help every living thing on the planet flourish. NOC’s four key focus areas are:

  • Climate: Society can plan for, adapt to and mitigate against environmental change.
  • Biodiversity: Marine biodiversity is protected and thrives.
  • Hazards and Pollution: People, infrastructure and ecosystems are protected from hazards and pollution.
  • Sustainable Marine Economy: The marine-based economy is sustainably developed whilst protecting the ocean’s future health.

During the 2023/24 financial year NOC:

  • Progressed its procurement strategy to meet the UK’s new Procurement Bill.
  • Reduced its supplier portfolio by c.14% enabling further control over supplier relationship.
  • Continued to request that all suppliers sign up to the NOC supplier Code of Conduct which reflects the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act. And where this isn’t possible, asks for equivalent standards to bet met.
  • Displayed posters that provided key signs of Modern Slavery, and advice on what to do should you suspect someone is a victim.
  • Train new starters on Governance arrangements including the Modern Slavery and Whistleblowing Policies and asked all staff to complete online training that included a module on Modern Slavery in the UK.
  • Launched a new internal whistleblowing phoneline with an anonymous function available.
  • Registered with the UK Governments Modern Slavery Assessment Tool in order that results can be used to make future improvements.

Governance at NOC

NOC is now in its sixth year as an independent organisation and continues to be dedicated in delivering science backed by robust governance arrangements. These include set policies and procedures, routine training and engagement of all NOC employees and various assurance activities that aim to achieve best practice.

Governance arrangements remain the responsibility of the Board. To support compliance, the Board have a Schedule of Delegated Authority which details responsibility and approval routes to ensure decisions are being made at the most appropriate level.

The Board are supported by a Committee Structure, including the Audit & Risk Committee which provide oversight of risk management and assurance activities for the organisation, the Executive Committee which provides senior oversight and decision making, including where ethical matters arise, and the Business Operations Committee which provides senior oversight of operational activity to ensure that areas of concern are having the attention required.

Policies and key guidance documents

NOC has in place a suite of documents that intend to guide staff in how they should work. These documents reflect legal requirements, regulation and NOC own strategy.

NOC people policies include our Contracts of Employment which covers all human rights requirements, access to Trade Unions and how an employee can terminate their working contract. The Flexibility Policy outlines the opportunities available to NOC staff to have flexible working arrangements. The Overtime Policy confirms overtime is allowable in exceptional circumstances, not considered normal working practice and will be compensated for either as paid or Time Off In Lieu (TOIL). The Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy outlines the importance of diversity at NOC, how every staff member should be treated fairly and with dignity, and the requirement to prevent all types of discrimination. The Grievance Policy outlines NOC expectation of staff behaviour and prohibits harassment, intimidation or any other type of inappropriate behaviour. The Seafarers Agreement is a requirement for any person boarding a research vessel as part of an expedition and confirms the rights of a person that align with the Maritime Labour Convention 2006.

NOC Procurement Policies include the Supplier Code of Conduct which is compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and asks that sub-contractors adhere to similarly robust terms, that NOC are notified where links to Modern Slavery are identified, that an audit trail is in place and that prior or current convictions are declared.

NOC legal policies include the Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy which meets the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 including coverage of all types of modern slavery and human trafficking crimes and what to do if you suspect someone is a victim. The Safeguarding Policy intends to protect staff and visitors from inappropriate behaviour. The Conduct in NOC Facilities policy outlines the expectation of external visitors or partners in relation to how they should act when visiting the NOC facilities. And the Whistleblowing Policy provides staff with a method to make a report of organisational wrongdoing without repercussions to themselves for making the report.


NOC aim to be a people first organisation and recognise that training is paramount to ensuring staff are equipped to do the job properly and efficiently. NOC provides routine training to all staff across the organisation including our Executive Team and Board. The training covers various compliance and risk-based topics one of which is awareness and prevention of Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking.

All new starters receive induction training that includes the coverage of the Modern Slavery and Whistleblowing Policies. In the 2023/24 financial year, 103 new starters commenced work at NOC, and all have been provided with the training. Additionally, key staff in the Legal & Governance Team complete bespoke training on this topic through the year that enables them to provide advice and design updated training as needed. The Procurement Team provide bespoke training in the form of workshops and online materials to all staff that cover how we can meet our procurement strategy which includes the eradication of modern slavery links in our supply chains.

Supply chains

NOC supply chain is a vital component of how we work effectively and deliver on our objectives. This means we must be clear on our business practices; NOC will always pay a fair market price and in a reasonable time. NOC standard terms for payment are 30 days from invoice and receipt of goods and on average pay invoices closer to 19 days.

NOC’s sustainable procurement strategy includes 6 key objectives:

  • Ensure prudent use of natural resources and reduction of waste in the supply chain,
  • Support the management of our carbon impact,
  • Seek out opportunities to increase supply from UK manufacturers and SMEs,
  • Work with internal departments to embed sustainable procurement,
  • Management of the delivery of goods and services through effective contracts, and
  • Work with suppliers to implement ethical working practices and drive down modern slavery across the NOC’s supply chain.

The procurement team have reduced our supplier portfolio to 1,291 suppliers. Most suppliers are UK based with 10.5% EU suppliers and 8.4% rest of the world suppliers.

Assessing the risks

Senior Management and the Audit & Risk Committee are responsible for reviewing and approving risk registers in order that risk is given the attention it needs. All staff are responsible for their own risk and should report where a risk becomes unmanageable.

Due diligence activities are a key area of how NOC manage risks and we complete some routine checks on all our suppliers and partners. This involves basic credit-based checks on a company or director for outstanding CCJ’s or convictions.

In relation to Modern Slavery, there are 3 main risk areas:

  • Our supply chain risks are continuously being monitored and improvements are ongoing and included in our Sustainable Procurement Strategy detailed above.
  • All employee contracts are subject to a successful right to work checks which are conducted for permanent and temporary roles. Any VISA requirements are monitored to ensure the required actions are taken before a VISA is due to expire. The Maritime Labour Convention is adhered to on NOC research vessels. Due diligence checks are undertaken on any recruitment agency to ensure they do not practice poor standards such as worker-paid recruitment fees.
  • NOC expeditions take staff all over the world with the ships docking at various port locations. NOC will only work with port agents from the Lloyds list of shipping agents. This is because they have been subjected to robust due diligence arrangements. Where possible, senior members of staff will inspect a port agent premises to ensure NOC can be satisfied that standards are being met in terms of staff working conditions.

Raising concerns

Reporting a Modern Slavery or Human Trafficking concern is fundamental to ensuring that unknown control gaps and wrongdoing is corrected as soon as possible. There are multiple routes for staff to take, all of which are included as information in polices, online materials and training.

NOC encourages staff to voice any concern they may have over their own working conditions including general satisfaction related to NOC as an employer. In 2024, NOC procured an external organisation to conduct an anonymous people survey that would intend to gain an insight into NOC employee thoughts of NOC as an employer. Results of the survey are reviewed by senior management and used to make enhancements to how NOC operates.

Our Commitment

As an international organisation, NOC has a higher risk profile related to Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking when conducting some activities. It is imperative that NOC act responsibly and ethically and do not compromise the wellbeing of others in order that we can achieve our goals quicker and cheaper. NOC takes pride in working with others, supporting our local community, collaborating worldwide and all in the pursuit or ocean research.

During the 2024/25 financial year, NOC intends to:

  • Provide NOC designed Modern Slavery Awareness training materials to NOC-Innovation Centre Members, SME suppliers and PhD students.
  • Continue to work with suppliers to sign up to and meet the NOC Code of Conduct requirements.
  • Use the results of the Modern Slavery Assessment Tool to guide where NOC can make improvements.
  • Continue to raise awareness and train staff in order that risks can be identified and provide confidence in our operations, working with others and reporting.


This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the slavery and human trafficking statement for NOC (including in respect of its subsidiary National Oceanography Centre Innovations Limited) for the financial year ending 30th September 2024. It was approved by the NOC Board in October 2024.

Signed: Jeremy Darroch

Board of Trustees Chair

Ensuring that the National Oceanography Centre is a safe place for staff, students, visitors and tenants is an absolute priority. The NOC Health and Safety Policy sets out the management framework we use to achieve that.

Being a safe organisation ultimately requires everyone to make health and safety their priority, so we ask that everyone associated with the NOC familiarises themselves with the content of this policy.

The Policy will be reviewed periodically by the Health and Safety Committee and published by the NOC Safety Advisor on behalf of the Executive Director.

The NOC is committed to continual environmental improvement, preventing pollution and being an environmentally conscientious organisation.

The NOC currently maintains an Environmental Management System (EMS) covering operations at both Southampton and Liverpool sites, certified to ISO 14001. The scope of our certification is as follows:

This policy covers the activities of the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) at its research sites in Liverpool and Southampton. In addition, this policy covers the research and teaching activities of the University of Southampton and tenants at the Southampton site.”

The environmental management of our research vessels is captured by MARPOL requirements and our Ship Energy Efficiency Plans.

Our main significant environmental risks (aspects) are those associated with procurement, business travel and energy use.

Targets for both sites encompass a range of different environmental aspects, from reducing waste generation and energy use to promoting sustainable travel and safe oil storage.

Ways in which we aim to minimise our carbon footprint include:

Energy monitoring

There are over 200 energy meters across Liverpool and Southampton. These meters record and allow analysis of our gas, water and electricity consumption. The monitoring system is used to detect suspect energy/water use and to validate energy savings from our projects.

Solar thermal collectors

Solar PV

The NOC has installed a 157kW photo voltaic array in Southampton. The array consists of 594 solar panels. The array generates enough power over the year to meet the electricity demand of our Southampton workshops on which they are situated.

Recycling for collection

Waste management

Waste recycling regimes have been established at both Southampton and Liverpool. Staff and students are encouraged to follow the waste hierarchy, ‘eliminate, reduce, reuse, recycle’. Waste audits occur in Liverpool and Southampton annually; this provides the NOC with data on what materials are entering the general waste and helps us forward plan

Sea water cooling

The NOC has a unique Sea Water Cooling system in Southampton. In the winter months the dock water is used to indirectly cool the building. The system provides the NOC Southampton with approximately 16 weeks of free cooling a year.

Smarter travel options

The NOC actively encourages staff, students and visitors to the Centre to use public or active transport. Good cycling and walking routes can be found to each site in addition to free cycle parking.

At Southampton, the Uni-Link bus service links the Centre directly to the airport, railway stations and city centre. For information on travelling to the NOC sites visit our Contact Us page.

Computer room thermal image

Free air cooling

Server rooms can be found in both Southampton and Liverpool. These house powerful computers and require lots of cooling. Thermal images have been used to ensure cooling is effective therefore reducing energy demand. Thermal containment curtains have been installed in the server rooms in addition to fresh air-cooling systems

Partnership working

The NOC works closely with its delivery partners, University of Liverpool and University of Southampton, to share best practice. The NOC is also involved with travel forums in both cities and the Energy Partnership in Southampton.

SGS logo


Commitment to the Ocean – plastic pollution

Microplastic analysis

Marine plastic pollution is a big challenge facing our global oceans today. More than eight million tonnes of plastic waste enters the ocean each year and floating plastic has been estimated at 5.25 trillion particles weighing 268,940 tonnes. As a world leading centre in ocean science, technology and business, with a core value of Environmental Responsibility, the National Oceanography Centre is committed to:

  1. Undertaking fundamental research into the fate and impacts of plastics in the ocean
  2. Leading by example in ensuring that our own activities result in minimal release of plastics into the ocean
  3. Supporting education and engagement with the public, government and business on actions to reduce their input of plastics into the ocean

Read more about ongoing research

Our approach to Corporate Responsibility is about achieving our mission in a way that reflects our values, connects our decisions to ethical, environmental and social concerns and meet the standards our stakeholders, customers and our own people expect of an organisation that aims to be one of the world’s top three oceanographic research institutions.

The National Oceanography Centre is committed to setting the highest standards for responsible practice and these standards underpin our mission:

  • To undertake internationally competitive marine science in an Earth system context and especially with a long term focus – working with others for the effective translation of new and existing knowledge into demonstrably high societal benefit.
  • To manage, develop, coordinate and innovate high quality, large research infrastructure, equipment pools, facilities, databases and other science enabling functions for the benefit of the whole UK science community to deliver excellent science with impact.

The National Oceanography Centre will conduct its business to the highest standards of honesty and integrity. We believe that this is the right thing to do, and it in our interests to protect our great name and deserved reputation for being the UK’s leading institution for sea level science, coastal and deep ocean research and technology development.

We have a legal and voluntary duty to consider the impact of our activities on the environment, on people and on our community. We believe that by adopting a responsible approach we can be credible and trustworthy, manage the social and environmental issues that impact on us, win business and use our resources wisely.

In defining the way we work through our approach to corporate responsibility, we set out the standards that the NOC sets of itself, all NOC employees and third parties acting on our behalf. We expect our values and corporate responsibility policy to be adopted by all employees when they are performing their day-to-day duties or where they are representing the NOC and to take personal responsibility for ensuring that our commitment to working ethically is followed.

Our people

We will:

  • provide a safe working environment and promote and embrace a positive health and safety culture
  • provide opportunities for all and support diversity in the workplace
  • nuture our talent
  • respect human rights and treat everyone with dignity

We will not:

  • discriminate against employees, or any other individuals we meet while conducting our business

Our environment

We will:

  • Focus our work to minimise the impact of activity on the planet and especially the ocean
  • Limit our environmental impact and footprint
  • Reduce our consumption of resources
  • Comply with environmental laws and regulations

Our business

We will:

  • comply with laws and regulations
  • reject bribery and corruption
  • avoid conflicts of interest
  • recognise human rights and reject modern slavery
  • manage risks
  • have fair contractual practices and be transparent in our operations
  • only disclose confidential information with approval or to satisfy a legal obligation
  • act in a way which protects and promotes NOC’s good reputation at all times
  • conduct research to the highest standards of rigour and integrity

Our community

We will:

  • Foster a wider understanding of the ocean
  • Engage with local schools and groups
  • Encourage staff to engage in their community
  • Develop our organisation to enable access to technology and the creation of jobs

We also follow the Seven Principles of Public Life

  • Selflessness: Holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends.
  • Integrity: Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the performance of their official duties.
  • Objectivity: In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit.
  • Accountability: Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.
  • Openness: Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.
  • Honesty: Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.
  • Leadership: Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.

The National Oceanography Centre (NOC) is committed to supporting the development of the highest standards in organisational culture, systems and practice required to prevent and tackle all incidents of harm and abuse. We are working collectively, with our partners in the research and development community to strengthen our safeguarding practices and compliance processes. Our Safeguarding Policy is available to read through the following link.

The Purchase Order Terms and Conditions document details information relating to:

  • contractor’s obligations,
  • invoices and payment terms,
  • data protection,
  • sub-contracting,
  • intellectual property rights,
  • confidentiality,
  • termination of contracts,
  • general notices and
  • compliance with anti-slavery and human trafficking laws.