Photograph of Prof. Jason Holt
Marine Systems Modelling
jholt at

I specialise in the synthesis of models and observations to develop our understanding of shelf-sea physical and coupled physical-biological systems on global scales. Particular areas of interest include the dynamical drivers of climate change on coastal-oceans and developing global approaches to coastal-ocean science.

  • National Partnership for Ocean Prediction (co-Chair)
  • Copernicus Marine -  Science and Technology Advisory Committee
  • ICES/PICES Strategic Initiative on Climate Change effects on Marine Ecosystems (SICCME)

NERC Funded

  • FOCUS Future states of the global coastal ocean: Understanding for Solutions Lead PI
  • SEAP Sources, impacts and solutions for plastics in South East Asia coastal environments NOC lead
  • SANH South Asia Nitrogen Hub NOC Lead
  • CLASS Climate Linked Atlantic Sector Science Modelling lead
  • CAMPUS Combining Autonomous observations and Models for Predicting and Understanding Shelf seas, co-PI, NOC lead
  • C-RISC Coastal Resilience ot flooding |Imoact through relocatable Storm surge forecast Capability for developing nations, PI
  • ReCICLE Resolving Climate Impacts on shekf abd Coastal sea Ecosystems PI
  • ACCORD Addressing Challenges of Coastal Communities through Ocean Research for Developing Economies, co-I, Modelling lead
  • LOCATE Land-Ocean Carbon Transfer, co-I Modelling lead
  • GOcean:2D Ocean test cases in GungHo framework, technology Proof of Concept, PI
  • Marine Ecosystems Research Programme co-PI, NOC Lead
  • Integrative Modelling for Shelf Seas Biogeochemistry co-PI, NOC Lead
  • FASTNet co-PI, NOC lead, Ocean-shelf exchange Research Programme
  • Next Generation Ocean Road Map PI: Exploring options for ocean modeling in the UK for the next 10–15 years
  • Quantifying and Monitoring Potential Ecosystem Impacts of Geological Carbon Storage co-PI, NOC lead
  • Regional Ecosystem & Biogeochemical Impacts of Ocean Acidification – a modelling study co-PI, NOC lead
  • Assessing health, livelihoods, ecosystem services and poverty alleviation in populous deltas co-I
  • NCEO-Carbon co-PI, POL lead: Developing observation constrained models of carbon fluxes in shelf seas
  • DUST-UP (UK SOLAS) co-PI, POL lead: Modelling the impact of dust on ecosystems at ocean margins
  • QUEST-FISH (QUEST) co-PI, POL lead: Modelling the impacts of climate change on global fisheries
  • Oceans 2025 POL theme leader: NERC’s core programme in marine science.
  • MARQUEST (QUEST) co-PI, POL lead: Developing shelf sea capability in Earth Systems Models
  • Global Coastal Ocean Modelling (eScience) PI: Developing the GCOMS system to collectively model all shelf seas around the globe.
  • RAPID Arctic Shelves (thematic) co-PI POL lead: Investigating the formation of dense water in Arctic shelf seas.
  • CASIX (Earth Observation centre of excellence) co-PI, Science element leader: Modelling air-sea CO2 fluxes in shelf seas
  • Climatic versus anthropogenic control of nutrients in the Irish Sea (Standard Grand) co-PI, POL lead: Investigating climatic variability in the Irish Sea
  • Marine Productivity (Thematic) Ecosystem modelling in the Irish Sea
  • LOIS Integrated Modelling phase (Thematic) Linking cross-discipline modelling capability: catchment to coast
  • LOIS North Sea Modelling (Thematic) Developing multi-disciplinary shelf-sea modelling capability

EU Funded

  • Mission Atlantic Towards the Sustainable Development on the Atlantic Ocean, NOC lead
  • IMMERSE Improving Ocean Modelling for the Copernicus Programme, WP8 lead
  • EuroBASIN co-PI: End to end ecosystems in the North Atlantic and adjacent shelf seas
  • MyOcean co-PI: Operational oceanography for the European arena
  • MEECE co-PI: Predicting the impacts of multiple drivers on physics to fish in shelf seas
  • ECOOP co-PI: Shelf sea operational oceanography
  • Ferry Box co PI: Instrumented ferries to support marine observing systems
  • MERSEA co-PI: Developing shelf sea coupled hydrodynamic-ecosystem operational models
  • OMEX I Researcher: Internal waves at the shelf-break