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Anomalous blocking over Greenland preceded the 2013 extreme early melt of local sea ice

NOC authors: Thomas Cropper
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Particle flux in the oceans: Challenging the steady state assumption

NOC authors: Sari Giering, Richard Sanders, Adrian Martin, jsr1g08
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Remineralization of particulate organic carbon in an ocean oxygen minimum zone

NOC authors: Richard Sanders
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Rapid emergence of climate change in environmental drivers of marine ecosystems

NOC authors: Stephanie Henson
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Role of zooplankton in determining the efficiency of the biological carbon pump

NOC authors: Stephanie Henson, annbel, Richard Sanders
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Will invertebrates require increasingly carbon-rich food in a warming world?

NOC authors: Tom Anderson, Daniel Mayor
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Measurements and models of the temperature change of water samples in Sea Surface Temperature buckets

NOC authors: Giulia Carella, Andrew Morris, Robin Pascal, Margaret Yelland, David Berry, Elizabeth Kent
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

New approaches to high-resolution mapping of marine vertical structures

NOC authors: Katleen Robert, Veerle Huvenne, Daniel Jones, Leigh Marsh, gcarter
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Major impacts of climate change on deep-sea benthic ecosystems

NOC authors: Andrew Gooday, Daniel Jones, Henry Ruhl
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

The impact of future sea-level rise on the global tides

NOC authors: Kevin Horsburgh
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Damaging sediment density flows triggered by tropical cyclones

NOC authors: edpope, Peter Talling, Mike Clare, James Hunt
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

The ocean's saltiness and its overturning

NOC authors: B. B. Cael
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

The volume and mean depth of Earth's lakes

NOC authors: B. B. Cael
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Shelled pteropods in peril: Assessing vulnerability in a high CO2 ocean

NOC authors: clanno, gant, vlp, jesgar47, Corinne Pebody
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Determining Atlantic Ocean province contrasts and variations

NOC authors: Rob Thomas, Mikhail Zubkov
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Cooperative robotic networks for underwater surveillance: an overview

NOC authors: Andrea Munafo
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

An evaluation of deep water navigation systems for autonomous underwater vehicles

NOC authors: Davide Fenucci, Andrea Munafo
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Velocimetry, cooling and rotation sensing by cold-atom matterwave interferometry

NOC authors: Mohammad Belal
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Conference item

Erratum: Corrigendum: The size-distribution of Earth’s lakes

NOC authors: B. B. Cael
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

Lysis, lysogeny and virus–microbe ratios

NOC authors: B. B. Cael
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

An approach for the identification of exemplar sites for scaling up targeted field observations of benthic biogeochemistry in heterogeneous environments

NOC authors: Megan Williams, Laurent Amoudry, clairelm, Helen Smith, Daniel Mayor, Noëlie Benoist, Brian Bett, Kirsty Morris, Henry Ruhl
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article

A general model for the helical structure of geophysical flows in channel bends

NOC authors: Mike Clare
Publication Year: 2017
Publication type: Article
