My current research focusses on the assessment and evaluation of climate change mitigation strategies including marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (mCDR) and Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) techniques. This is demonstrated through my leadership of the multidisciplinary SEAO2-CDR project developing mCDR governance frameworks and assessing potential implementation pathways, and my participation in the LC3M and ERW GGR-D projects quantifying the effectiveness of CDR via basalt weathering in agricultural environments. I have also evaluated approaches for monitoring offshore Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and led the NOC’s contributions to the CME Programme that enabled the development of sustainable Blue Economies in Small Island Developing States. My broader research interests include the development and application of innovative chemical and isotopic techniques to determine how global systems and processes are affected by environmental perturbations, and investigation of the causes and consequences of climatic events throughout the geological record.
Associate Subgroup Leader for Marine Biogeochemistry
Scientific and Technical lead of the Strategies for the Evaluation and Assessment Of Ocean-based Carbon Dioxide Removal (SEAO2-CDR) project
Research Theme lead on Atlantic Climate and Environment Strategic Science (AtlantiS)
Member of the Ocean Visions Leadership team
Member of NERC's National Environmental Isotope Facility Strategy Group
Member of the NOC Association of Marine Science National Capability Beneficiaries ‘Decade Working Group’.
Member of the NERC Peer Review College and UKRI International Development Peer Review College.
Former chair of the Geochemistry Group (a special interest group of the Geological Society of London and Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland).
Greenhouse gas removal with UK agriculture via enhanced rock weathering 2021-2025
UKRI/BBSRC funded Greenhouse Gas Removal Demonstrator (GGR-D) project that will provide the first integrated whole system assessment of the science, societal and scalability opportunities and challenges of enhanced rock weathering deployment in UK agriculture.
Leverhulme Centre for Climate Change Mitigation (LC3M) 2016-2026
Leverhulme Trust Research Centre that is objectively investigating enhanced rock weathering with agriculture as a strategic negative emissions technology for climate change mitigation, with the co-benefit of delivering resource-efficient sustainable food security.
Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme (CME Programme) 2016-2022
UK Government initiative funded through the FCDO that aims to ensure the marine resources that belong to Commonwealth Small Island Developing States are better understood and managed in order to enable sustainable marine economies that create jobs, drive national economic growth, reduce poverty, ensure food security and build resilience.
Land Ocean Carbon Transfer (LOCATE) 2016-2020
NERC funded multi-disciplinary project assessing the transfer and fate of terrigeneous organic matter from soils to the ocean, with particular focus on estuaries and coastal waters.
Strategies for Environmental Monitoring of Marine Carbon Capture and Storage (STEMM-CCS) 2016-2020
EU Horizon 2020 funded programme addressing the knowledge and capability gaps in approaches, methodologies and technology required for the effective environmental monitoring of offshore carbon capture and storage (CCS) sites.