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Was 2008 a typical year in Liverpool Bay?

NOC authors: danon, Jennifer Brown, Laurent Amoudry, Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Monograph

Water saturation effects on elastic wave attenuation in porous rocks with aligned fractures

NOC authors: Angus Best, jsoth, mhch, xyl
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Wave height analysis from 10 years of observations in the Norwegian Sea

NOC authors: mnt, gdq, Margaret Yelland
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Wave-current interactions in a tide dominated estuary

NOC authors: rbol, Jennifer Brown, Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Whole-cell Escherichia coli-based bio-sensor assay for dual zinc oxide nanoparticle toxicity mechanisms

NOC authors: agps
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

2012 Cushman Award to Khadyzhat M. Saidova

NOC authors: Andrew Gooday
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

A basal thunnosaurian from Iraq reveals disparate phylogenetic origins for Cretaceous ichthyosaurs

NOC authors: jbri
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

A distributed optical fibre dynamic strain sensor based on phase-OTDR

NOC authors: Mohammad Belal
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

A distributed optical fibre dynamic strain sensor based on phase-OTDR

NOC authors: Mohammad Belal
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

A linguistic decision tree approach to predicting storm surge

NOC authors: samyst, Kevin Horsburgh
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

A review of the measurement and modelling of dinoflagellate bioluminescence

NOC authors: Stuart Painter, Adrian Martin, jta
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

A Southeast Atlantic deep-ocean observatory: first experiences and results

NOC authors: Phil Bagley, Brian Bett, Daniel Jones, Henry Ruhl
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

A storm surge inundation model of the northern Bay of Bengal using publicly available data

NOC authors: matwis, Kevin Horsburgh
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

A uniform, quality controlled Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT)

NOC authors: petown, djh
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Acoustic scattering from a suspension of flocculated sediments

NOC authors: Peter Thorne, bdm
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Adrian Gill Prize

NOC authors: Elizabeth Kent
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Award

Amundsen Sea Mollusca from the BIOPEARL II expedition

NOC authors: camoreau, kl, hjg, dkab, stefk, cjsan, pend, page
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

An integrated and sustained European Ocean Observing System (EOOS)

NOC authors: Jacky Wood
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Book section

An integrated view of data quality in Earth observation

NOC authors: Jon Blower
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Application of an operational storm coastal impact forecasting system

NOC authors: Alejandro Souza, Jennifer Brown
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Appraising the extractable tidal energy resource of the UK's western coastal waters

NOC authors: nictes, ianlki, Judith Wolf
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Arctic Ocean modelling

NOC authors: Maria Luneva, James Harle, Jason Holt
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Electronic output

Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation slowdown cooled the subtropical ocean

NOC authors: scu, Eleanor Frajka-Williams, Darren Rayner, David Smeed, Gerard McCarthy
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article