Dr Claire Evans

Photograph of Dr Claire Evans
Ocean BioGeosciences
clevans at noc.ac.uk

My mission is to advance understanding of biogeochemical cycles in both fundamental scientific and socioeconomic contexts. My expertise lies in exploring opportunities, trade-offs, and threats from human interactions with the marine environment. Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach, I employ analytical techniques, autonomous technologies, remote sensing, computational tools, and socio-economic methods to generate crucial data and resources. I work in partnership with stakeholders to inform sustainable resource management by underpinning evidence-based policy making, guiding relevant actions and fostering capacity development.


Guest post: The role of ‘blue carbon’ in addressing climate change - Carbon Brief

COP28 Carbon Sequestration in Seabed Sediments: Prospects and Perils https://youtu.be/bxsLhFJ6x3I

Roundtable Discussion: The Importance of the Ocean Being Part of the Conversation at COP28 https://youtu.be/K5tgZ3Ebp4A

Harnessing blue carbon to mitigate climate change & achieve a sustainable ocean https://youtu.be/u-OBYsozMsU

Roundtable - The role of the blue economy in achieving a sustainable ocean https://youtu.be/Wvi7t4CW3Dk

Why Seagrass Meadows Are Key In Combatting Climate Change | Into the Blue Podcast https://youtu.be/FtHGtzQLbBo

Sleih ny Marrey – People of the Sea: A blue carbon journey https://youtu.be/L31kciNf2SE

Contributor to: APPG+for+the+Ocean_Turning+the+Tide+on+Climate+Change.pdf (squarespace.com)

Bright Tide and the National Oceanography Centre present to the APPG on Blue Carbon Finance — APPG for the Ocean (oceanappg.org)

Nature-based solutions for net zero | ICOS (icos-cp.eu)

Contributor to: Accelerating marine restoration: Laying the foundations of high integrity marine natural capital markets across the UK (thecrownestate.co.uk)

Skalska K., Fletcher S., Preston J., Keeling D., Osmond Z., Evans C., Murphy R. (2024). Integrating private finance into restoration in the Solent to Sussex Bay area.

My group currently comprises five researchers and five PhD candidates, with additional support from NOC and external scientists who contribute to our research portfolio. I provide intellectual leadership, conduct staff appraisals, and oversee health and safety protocols, including my responsibilities as the Radiation Protection Supervisor. I also maintain budgetary oversight for our projects.

Beyond my group, I contribute significantly to NOC, UK, and international research strategies through board memberships, tactical planning, and the development of policy briefs that advocate for key research areas. I am deeply committed to promoting the value of NOC and marine science to diverse audiences across various platforms. Additionally, I play a leading role in advancing NOC’s Innovation portfolio.

Representative on the European Marine Board

Southeast Asian Land to Ocean Network

NOC representative of the UK Blue Carbon Forum (Markets and Policy working group)

The Isle of Man Government Blue Carbon Working Group

Member of Solent to Success Bay Restoration Network

Managing shelf sea carbon cycles and greenhouse gas release from physical disturbance of the seafloor (C-FLOOR)

Atlantic Climate and Environment Strategic Science - AtlantiS

Recovery of Seagrass for Ocean Wealth UK (ReSOW), Sustainable Management of Marine Resources, Restoration of Seagrass for Ocean Wealth | ReSOW UK

FOCUS: Future states Of the global Coastal ocean: Understanding for Solutions, https://projects.noc.ac.uk/focus/

Resilient coasts: optimising co-benefit solutions, Sustainable Management of Marine Resources, Resilient Coasts: Optimising Co-Benefit Solutions | Co-Opt (noc.ac.uk)

Isle of Man Blue Carbon Project, The Manx Blue Carbon Project (netzero.im)

Investigating the impact of water soluble polymers on the metabolic profiles of aquatic organisms and microbes

Past projects at NOC

Solent to Sussex Bay Seascape Restoration Network

Integrated network-based management for SEA coastal zone (InMSEA), InMSEA Project (google.com)

Restoring marine natural capital with Scottish seagrass

Quantification of Antigua's Seagrass blue carbon potential, Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme (noc.ac.uk)

Determining seagrasses value to the Belizean blue economy, Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme (noc.ac.uk)

Informing integrated coastal zone management in Belize to build resilience and sustainable blue economy, public health and livelihoods, Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme (noc.ac.uk)

Identifying trade-offs of changing land use for aquatic environmental and socio-economic health and facilitating sustainable solutions, NOC-global-marine-partnerships-Landuse.pdf

Land Ocean CArbon TransfEr: LOCATE, LOCATE – Land-Ocean Carbon Transfer | Land-Ocean Carbon Transfer

NERC Independent Research Fellowship, Constraining the microbial carbon pump