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Investigating read performance of python and NetCDF when using HPC parallel filesystems

NOC authors: Jon Blower
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Book section

Ionospheric effects in GNSS-reflectometry from space

NOC authors: Giuseppe Foti, Christine Gommenginger
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Key impacts of climate engineering on biodiversity and ecosystems, with priorities for future research

NOC authors: ejmu, jiom, pwil
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Landscape-scale spatial heterogeneity in phytodetrital cover and megafauna biomass in the abyss links to modest topographic variation

NOC authors: Kirsty Morris, Brian Bett, Jennifer Durden, Noëlie Benoist, Veerle Huvenne, Daniel Jones, Katleen Robert, Henry Ruhl
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Large eddy simulations of flow around underwater gliders and the impact on sensor measurements

NOC authors: Ben Moat, David Smeed, cljm1g08, Matthew Palmer
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Conference item

Large-scale sediment waves and scours on the modern seafloor and their implications for the prevalence of supercritical flows

NOC authors: Peter Talling, Matthieu Cartigny, Mike Clare
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Lessons on Climate Sensitivity From Past Climate Changes

NOC authors: Alice Marzocchi
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Long-term record of Barents Sea Ice Sheet advance to the shelf edge from a 140,000 year record

NOC authors: edpope, Peter Talling, James Hunt, judo, Matthieu Cartigny, dal, drta
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Mapping Antarctic phytoplankton physiology using autonomous gliders

NOC authors: Filipa Carvalho
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Conference item

Measuring pH in the Arctic Ocean: Colorimetric method or SeaFET?

NOC authors: Socratis Loucaides, Matthew Mowlem
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Memorial to Martin David Brasier (1947–2014)

NOC authors: Andrew Gooday
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Meteorologically generated tsunami-like waves in the North Sea on 1/2 July 2015 and 28 May 2008

NOC authors: dal, drta, Kevin Horsburgh
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Microbiology: lessons from a first attempt at Lake Ellsworth

NOC authors: dpearce, Matthew Mowlem
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Morphodynamics of submarine channel inception revealed by new experimental approach

NOC authors: Matthieu Cartigny
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Morphodynamics of supercritical turbidity currents in the channel-lobe transition zone

NOC authors: Matthieu Cartigny
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Book section

Multiple flow slide experiment in the Westerschelde Estuary

NOC authors: Matthieu Cartigny, Mike Clare, mapiro
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Book section

NERC Vocabulary Server version 2.0

NOC authors: alead, Roy Lowry
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Monograph

Nonlinear sea-level trends and long-term variability on western European coasts

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Observational advances in estimates of oceanic heating

NOC authors: Damien Desbruyeres, Elaine McDonagh, Brian King
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Ocean acidification in the subpolar North Atlantic: rates and mechanisms controlling pH changes

NOC authors: Lidia Carracedo
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Ocean mixing beneath Pine Island Glacier ice shelf, West Antarctica

NOC authors: satmur65, ajen, Yvonne Firing
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Ocean warming, not acidification, controlled coccolithophore response during past greenhouse climate change

NOC authors: Alex Poulton
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

On the consumption of Antarctic Bottom Water in the abyssal ocean

NOC authors: Gurvan Madec, George Nurser
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

On the Mediterranean Water Composition

NOC authors: Lidia Carracedo
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

On the temperature dependence of oceanic export efficiency

NOC authors: B. B. Cael
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Palaeo-sea-level and palaeo-ice-sheet databases: problems, strategies, and perspectives

NOC authors: André Düsterhus
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Parameterization of intrawave ripple-averaged sediment pickup above steep ripples

NOC authors: Laurent Amoudry, Alejandro Souza, Peter Thorne
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article
