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Cost and value of multidisciplinary fixed-point ocean observatories

NOC authors: Luisa Cristini, Richard Lampitt, Henry Ruhl
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Cross-calibrating ALES Envisat and CryoSat-2 Delay-Doppler: a coastal altimetry study in the Indonesian Seas

NOC authors: Helen Snaith, Paolo Cipollini
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Current and future trends in marine image annotation software

NOC authors: Jennifer Durden
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Decadal variability of European sea level extremes in relation to the solar activity

NOC authors: mnt, Francisco Mir Calafat
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Deep and abyssal ocean warming from 35 years of repeat hydrography

NOC authors: Damien Desbruyeres, Elaine McDonagh, Brian King
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Deep structure of the Porcupine Basin from wide-angle seismic data

NOC authors: rae
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Conference item

Deep-sea life of Tanzania

NOC authors: Andrew Gates
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Book

Demography of the critically endangered Balearic shearwater: the impact of fisheries and time to extinction

NOC authors: Russell Wynn
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Development of the RAPID MK III telemetry system – a report on the NOC tank-testing and shallow and deep-water field trials

NOC authors: Darren Rayner, Stephen Mack, Peter Foden, Miguel Charcos Llorens, Jon Campbell
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Monograph

Different frequencies and triggers of canyon filling and flushing events in Nazaré Canyon, offshore Portugal

NOC authors: James Hunt, Peter Talling, Mike Clare, dgma
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Dissipation of the energy imparted by mid-latitude storms in the Southern Ocean

NOC authors: Gurvan Madec
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Do climate models reproduce complexity of observed sea level changes?

NOC authors: Svetlana Jevrejeva
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Do technical studies reduce subsurface risk in hydrocarbon exploration: and if not, how do they add value?

NOC authors: Francis Peel
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Book section

Does the wind systematically energize or damp ocean eddies?

NOC authors: Chris Wilson
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Drainage networks, lakes and water fluxes beneath the Antarctic ice sheet

NOC authors: edpope
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Eastern Mediterranean sea levels through the last interglacial from a coastal-marine sequence in northern Israel

NOC authors: Mark Tamisiea
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Effect of future storm clustering on beach/dune evolution and coastal flooding

NOC authors: Jennifer Brown
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Book section

Effective energy controls on flocculation under various wave-current regimes

NOC authors: Rafael Ramirez-Mendoza, Alejandro Souza, Laurent Amoudry
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Effects of acute ocean acidification on spatially-diverse polar pelagic foodwebs: insights from on-deck microcosms

NOC authors: gant, vlp, pwar, nator, Alex Poulton, Mikhail Zubkov
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Effects of future sea-level rise on tidal processes on the Patagonian Shelf

NOC authors: Holly Pelling
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Environmental drivers of coccolithophore abundance and calcification across Drake Passage (Southern Ocean)

NOC authors: Alex Poulton
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Estimating the recharge properties of the deep ocean using noble gases and helium isotopes

NOC authors: Pete Brown, Sinhue Torres-Valdes, mmm
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Estimating the sea-level highstand during the last interglacial: a probabilistic massive ensemble approach

NOC authors: André Düsterhus, Mark Tamisiea, Svetlana Jevrejeva
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Evaluation of terrain collision risks for flight style autonomous underwater vehicles

NOC authors: Alexander Phillips
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Book section

Evidence for polyploidy in the globally important diazotroph Trichodesmium

NOC authors: Alex Poulton
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Experiences with Radar Gauges at NOC (U.K.)

NOC authors: Jeff Pugh, Peter Foden, Dave Jones, Phil Woodworth, Angela Hibbert
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Book section

Exploration of hydrothermal vents Along the Galápagos Spreading Center

NOC authors: Leigh Marsh
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Extending standard testing period in honeybees to predict lifespan impacts of pesticides and heavy metals using dynamic energy budget modelling

NOC authors: hhesketh, elmhiv, Alice Horton, alerob, csv, janbaa, dasp, mshe
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article

Fault-controlled hydration of the upper mantle during continental rifting

NOC authors: Gaye Bayrakci
Publication Year: 2016
Publication type: Article
