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An investigation of avoidance by Antarctic krill of RRS James Clark Ross using the Autosub-2 autonomous underwater vehicle

NOC authors: mabra, Steve McPhail, pst, Miles Pebody, James Perrett, gxg
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Assimilating satellite ocean-colour observations into oceanic ecosystem models

NOC authors: jch, Meric Srokosz, Peter Challenor
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Autonomous underwater vehicles: are they the ideal sensor platforms for ocean margin science?

NOC authors: Steve McPhail
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

Autonomous underwater vehicles: future platforms for fisheries acoustics

NOC authors: pst
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

AUVs: designing and operating next generation vehicles

NOC authors: gxg
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

Biogeochemical evidence of vigorous mixing in the abyssal ocean

NOC authors: Richard Lampitt, Ekaterina Popova, tt
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Bottom-current sediment waves, sediment drifts and contourites in the northern Rockall Trough

NOC authors: dgma
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Canary Islands landslides and tsunami generation

NOC authors: Russell Wynn, dgma
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

Canyon heads and channel architecture of the Gollum Channel, Porcupine Seabight

NOC authors: akha
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

Canyon switching in the Moroccan Turbidite System, Northwest African margin

NOC authors: Russell Wynn, ppew, dgma
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

Changes in ocean water mass properties: oscillations or trends?

NOC authors: hlb, Elaine McDonagh
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Comparison between XBT data and TOPEX/Poseidon satellite altimetry in the Ligurian-Tyrrhenian area

NOC authors: Paolo Cipollini
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Debris avalanche deposits on the flanks of the Canary islands: contrasts between El Hierro and Tenerife

NOC authors: dgma
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

Dense water cascading off the continental shelf

NOC authors: John Huthnance
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Detecting climate change

NOC authors: hyc
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Diversity of deep-sea benthic foraminifera - molecular and morphological aspects

NOC authors: Andrew Gooday
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Ecological impacts of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on terrestrial ecosystems - discussion

NOC authors: rma
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Eddy mass transport for the Southern Ocean in an eddy-permitting global ocean model

NOC authors: mmlee, Andrew Coward
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Effect of appendicularians and copepods on bacterioplankton composition and growth in the English Channel

NOC authors: Mikhail Zubkov
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Effects of strait mixing on ocean stratification

NOC authors: hlb, George Nurser
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

El Hierro: shaping of an oceanic island by mass wasting

NOC authors: dgma
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

Energy storage systems for unmanned underwater vehicles

NOC authors: gxg
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Erosion of the submarine flanks of the Canary Islands

NOC authors: dgma
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Evidence of change in the sea of okhotsk: Implications for the north pacific

NOC authors: Katherine (Katy) Hill
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Extratropical sources of Equatorial Pacific upwelling in an OGCM

NOC authors: Gurvan Madec
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Fault and magmatic interaction within Iceland's western rift over the last 9kyr

NOC authors: jmb1, tmin, jkd, Angus Best
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

FerryBox and databuoy measurements of plankton blooms

NOC authors: Susan Hartman, djh
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

Finding the true temperature of the ocean surface

NOC authors: Elizabeth Kent, pkt
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

Fish populations of Port Foster, Deception Island, Antarctica and vicinity

NOC authors: Henry Ruhl
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Flow at intermediate depths around Madagascar based on ALACE float trajectories

NOC authors: Andrew Coward
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Flow processes in the Saharan debris flow

NOC authors: dgma
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

Friction and mixing in the Faroe Bank Channel outflow

NOC authors: hlb, scu
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article
