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Monitoring the eastern Alboran Sea using combined altimetry and in situ data

NOC authors: Helen Snaith, sga, jta
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Monsoon dredging - the Carlsberg Ridge reveals all

NOC authors: Bramley Murton
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Moorings recovery using the Isis deep submergence ROV

NOC authors: gxg
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Morphology and internal structure of sand shoals and sandbanks off the Dorset coast, English Channel

NOC authors: mbc
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Mounds and sediment drift in the Porcupine Basin, west of Ireland

NOC authors: Veerle Huvenne
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

Multidisciplinary ocean science applications of an AUV: the AUTOSUB science missions programme

NOC authors: Steve McPhail, pst, Miles Pebody, James Perrett, Andy Webb, masqu, gxg, mbc, pjs1, ks1, David Smeed
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

Multiple satellite observations of oceanic planetary waves: techniques and findings

NOC authors: Paolo Cipollini
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

Multisensor monitoring of plume dynamics in the north-western Mediterranean

NOC authors: Helen Snaith
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

New technologies for ocean margin studies - autonomous instrument carrier systems

NOC authors: Richard Lampitt
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

On estimates for the vertical nitrate flux due to eddy pumping

NOC authors: Adrian Martin
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

On the accuracy of ocean winds and wind stress - an empirical assessment

NOC authors: pkt, Margaret Yelland
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

On the reliability of the Autosub autonomous underwater vehicle

NOC authors: gxg, Steve McPhail, pst, Peter Challenor
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Open-ocean convection in the Irminger Sea

NOC authors: Sheldon Bacon, W. John Gould
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Phytoplankton patchiness: the role of lateral stirring and mixing

NOC authors: Adrian Martin
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Polygonal fault systems on the mid-Norwegian margin: a long term source for fluid flow

NOC authors: cbe
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

Predictability of decadal variations in the thermohaline circulation climate

NOC authors: Bablu Sinha
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Processes influencing wind-induced current profiles in near coastal stratified regions

NOC authors: Alan M. Davies, jxx
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Rain-flagging of the Envisat altimeter

NOC authors: gdq, Meric Srokosz
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Conference item

Rapid climate change: scientific challenges and the new NERC programme

NOC authors: Meric Srokosz
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Reassessment of sedimentary evidence for deep contour currents west of Iberia

NOC authors: akha
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

Response of an eddy-permitting ocean model to the assimilation of sparse in situ data

NOC authors: David Smeed
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Risk assessment of antagonistic hazards

NOC authors: rksh
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Risk assessment of major hazards: the effect of ground slope

NOC authors: rksh
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Rossby waves: synergy in action

NOC authors: gdq, Paolo Cipollini, ddc, Peter Challenor
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 139, 01 Mar-15 Apr 2002. Trans-Indian Hydrographic Section across 32°S

NOC authors: hlb
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Monograph