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Beds comprising debrite sandwiched within co-genetic turbidite: origin and widespread occurrence in distal depositional environments

NOC authors: Peter Talling, Russell Wynn
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Behaviour of Li isotopes during continental weathering: the Bidar laterite profile, India

NOC authors: rame1
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Bioluminescence of deep-sea coronate medusae (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa)

NOC authors: pjhe
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Bioluminescence: lanterns in the dark

NOC authors: pjhe
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Book section

Cap Timiris Canyon: a newly discovered channel system offshore of Mauritania

NOC authors: Russell Wynn
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Carbon sequestration in ecosystems: the role of stoichiometry

NOC authors: Tom Anderson
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Cascades of dense water around the world ocean

NOC authors: John Huthnance
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Characteristics of mid-latitude Rossby wave propagation from multiple satellite datasets

NOC authors: Peter Challenor, Paolo Cipollini, ddc, Katherine (Katy) Hill, gdq, isr
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Clean Seas: a North Sea test site

NOC authors: Helen Snaith
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Climate change and extreme wave heights in the North Atlantic

NOC authors: Peter Challenor
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Book section

Coincident cloud observations by altimetry and radiometry

NOC authors: gdq
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Book section

Comparison of global climatological maps of sea surface dimethylsulfide

NOC authors: Tom Anderson
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Deep ocean pelagic oozes

NOC authors: rgr
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Book section

Depth related amino acid uptake by Prochlorococcus cyanobacteria in the Southern Atlantic tropical gyre

NOC authors: Mikhail Zubkov
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Eastward propagating surface anomalies at ocean gyre boundaries

NOC authors: Bablu Sinha, James Harle
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Eddies in the southern Mozambique Channel

NOC authors: gdq, Meric Srokosz
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Effect of net avoidance on estimates of diel vertical migration

NOC authors: Richard Lampitt
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Energy storage for long endurance AUVs

NOC authors: gxg
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Book section

EUROpean Deep Ocean Margins (EuroDOM): a new Training-Through-Research frontier

NOC authors: Veerle Huvenne, vkg
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Evaluating global ocean carbon models: the importance of realistic physics

NOC authors: Gurvan Madec, Andrew Yool
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Evaluation of ocean carbon cycle models with data-based metrics

NOC authors: Andrew Yool
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Evaluation of OCMIP-2 ocean models' deep circulation with mantle helium-3

NOC authors: Gurvan Madec
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Evaluation of the non-living resources of the continental shelf beyond the 200-mile limit of the world's margins

NOC authors: Bramley Murton, lmp, cart, prm
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Book section

Exchange through the Bab el Mandab

NOC authors: David Smeed
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Exploiting Envisat-ERS data for deriving air-sea fluxes of CO2

NOC authors: ufermann, Peter Challenor, isr
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Book section

Exploring life in the ocean: how do we know what is there?

NOC authors: pjhe
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Flow transformation in a channelised debris flow located on the north-eastern Rockall Trough Margin

NOC authors: jstan, akha
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Book section

Gas hydrate dissociation and sea floor collapse in the wake of the Storegga Slide, Norway

NOC authors: cbe
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Book section
