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The influence of bottom topography on long Rossby wave propagation in the South Pacific Ocean

NOC authors: Paolo Cipollini
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Book section

The occurrence and distribution of trimethylamine-N-oxide in Antarctic coastal waters

NOC authors: Angela Hatton
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

The physical oceanography of sea straits: editorial

NOC authors: David Smeed
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

The probability of rapid climate change

NOC authors: Peter Challenor
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

The role of canyons on strata formation

NOC authors: ppew
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

The role of dimethylsulphoxide in the marine biogeochemical cycle of dimethylsulphide

NOC authors: Angela Hatton, Louise Darroch
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

The Second JCOMM Workshop on Advances in Marine Climatology (CLIMAR-II)

NOC authors: Elizabeth Kent
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

The Storegga Slide: architecture, geometry and slide development

NOC authors: dgma
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Tidal and subtidal currents in the Strait of Sicily

NOC authors: David Smeed, sga
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Tidally induced turbulence and suspended sediment

NOC authors: Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Understanding the Red Sea response to sea level

NOC authors: David Smeed, ejr
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Using PPCA to estimate EOFS in the presence of missing values

NOC authors: Richenda Houseago-Stokes, Peter Challenor
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Very high frequency backscatter from a rough sediment

NOC authors: jkd
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Book section

Water masses and circulation pathways through the Iceland Basin during Vivaldi 1996

NOC authors: rtp, jfr, Penny Holliday
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

Widespread intense turbulent mixing in the Southern Ocean

NOC authors: acng
Publication Year: 2004
Publication type: Article

A dynamic concept for eastern Mediterranean circulation and oxygenation during sapropel formation

NOC authors: ejr
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

A full ocean depth UV-spectrophotometer for nitrate measurements

NOC authors: djh
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

A global study of diurnal warming using satellite-derived sea surface temperature

NOC authors: isr, Peter Challenor
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

A monitoring design for the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation

NOC authors: Joel Hirschi
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

A new formula for determining the atmospheric longwave flux at the ocean surface at mid-high latitudes

NOC authors: Simon Josey, Robin Pascal, pkt, Margaret Yelland
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

A Quasi-Geostrophic Coupled Model (Q-GCM)

NOC authors: jeff
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

A revision of the family Forskaliidae (Siphonophora, Physonectae)

NOC authors: Philip Pugh
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

A synthesis of growth rates in marine epipelagic invertebrate zooplankton

NOC authors: aghi, Richard Lampitt
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

A Three-Dimensional Model of Density-Driven Circulation in the Irish Sea

NOC authors: Kevin Horsburgh, Edward Hill
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

A visible record of eddies in the southern Mozambique Channel

NOC authors: gdq, Meric Srokosz
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Conference item

Abrupt climate change: evidence, mechanicsms and implications - Introduction

NOC authors: rma
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Accessing seismic information in the EEZ: partners in a European solution

NOC authors: prm
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Acoustic instrumentation for measuring near-bed sediment processes and hydrodynamics

NOC authors: kfeb, jjw, Peter Thorne, Paul Bell
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

ADCP-referenced geostrophic velocity and transport in the West Spitsbergen Current

NOC authors: Ilona Goszczko
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Advanced materials and their influence on the structural design of AUVs

NOC authors: pst
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Book section

Agulhas eddy fluxes in a 1/6° Atlantic model

NOC authors: Gurvan Madec
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Air-sea interaction and circulation changes in the northeast Atlantic

NOC authors: Penny Holliday
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

Along or across front survey strategy? An operational example at an unstable front.

NOC authors: jta, sga, vcc, rtp, Ekaterina Popova, David Smeed, Meric Srokosz
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article

An introduction to the benthic ecology of the Faroe-Shetland Channel (SEA4)

NOC authors: Brian Bett
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Monograph

An investigation of altimeter sea state bias theories

NOC authors: Christine Gommenginger, Meric Srokosz
Publication Year: 2003
Publication type: Article