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Ocean exploration with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

NOC authors: gxg
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Ocean fertilisation: a potential means of geo-engineering?

NOC authors: Richard Lampitt, eric, Tom Anderson, jyh, dir, bag, Ekaterina Popova, Richard Sanders, jgs, Denise Smythe-Wright, Andrew Yool
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Ocean mass from GRACE and glacial isostatic adjustment

NOC authors: Mark Tamisiea
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Ocean Processes Feeder Report

NOC authors: John Huthnance
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

Ocean processes. In: Charting progress 2: the state of UK seas, Chapter 2, 14-26

NOC authors: John Huthnance
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

Oceanic planetary waves and eddies: a privileged view from satellite altimetry

NOC authors: Paolo Cipollini, ass106, isr
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section


NOC authors: Richard Lampitt
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

OMV Tornado SERPENT final report

NOC authors: Daniel Jones, Andrew Gates
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

On the role of the mesoscale circulation on an idealized coastal upwelling ecosystem

NOC authors: Gurvan Madec
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Open ocean gas transfer velocity derived from long-term direct measurements of the CO2 flux

NOC authors: jzp, Margaret Yelland, Robin Pascal, Ben Moat, Meric Srokosz
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Operational storm surge forecasting with 3.5km NISE10 model

NOC authors: Jane Williams, Kevin Horsburgh
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

Optical fiber microwire current sensor

NOC authors: Mohammad Belal
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

OWS Polarfront Cruise P162, 09 SEP – 04 OCT 2006. HiWASE mobilisation and shakedown cruise

NOC authors: Margaret Yelland, Robin Pascal
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

Pan-Arctic view of ice-edge phytoplankton blooms

NOC authors: gdq, Ekaterina Popova, Andrew Yool
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Past and future changes in extreme sea levels and waves

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth, Judith Wolf, Kevin Horsburgh
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Past and present carbon accumulation and loss in Southeast Asian peatlands

NOC authors: Chris Banks
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Persistence of cluster synchronization under the influence of advection

NOC authors: Adrian Martin, Meric Srokosz
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Phytoplankton bloom dynamics in Liverpool Bay

NOC authors: John Howarth
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Phytoplankton Community and Trace Gas Studies from the Pride of Bilbao

NOC authors: Denise Smythe-Wright, szb
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

POL glider second sea trial: January 2010

NOC authors: Philip Knight, Christopher Balfour, John Kenny, danmc
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

Predicting the consequences of nutrient reduction on the eutrophication status of the North Sea

NOC authors: Roger Proctor, Sarah Wakelin
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Prediction of pore fluid viscosity effects on p-wave attenuation in reservoir sandstones

NOC authors: Angus Best, clican, jsoth
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Pride of Bilbao FerryBox 2005 - an overview of the data obtained and improvements in procedures

NOC authors: Mark Hartman, djh, Jon Campbell
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

Prince Madog Cruise 29/10, NOC Coastal Observatory cruise 71, 10-13 August 2010

NOC authors: jopk
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

Problems and prospects in large-scale ocean circulation models

NOC authors: Gurvan Madec
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Processes contributing to the evolution and destruction of stratification in the Liverpool Bay ROFI

NOC authors: elow
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Thesis

Progressing towards global sustained deep ocean observations

NOC authors: hlb
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Quasi-biennial modulation of the Southern Ocean Coherent Mode

NOC authors: Angela Hibbert, Phil Woodworth, Chris Hughes
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

RANS simulations of the multiphase flow around the KCS hullform

NOC authors: Alexander Phillips
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Conference item

Rapid Southern Ocean front transitions in an eddy-resolving ocean GCM

NOC authors: Chris Wilson
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Reconstructing sea level from paleo and projected temperatures 200 to 2100 ad

NOC authors: Svetlana Jevrejeva
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Recovery at Morvin: SERPENT final report

NOC authors: Andrew Gates, Daniel Jones
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

Reduction of surface roughness for optical quality microfluidic devices in PMMA and COC

NOC authors: irgo1w07, cfaf, Matthew Mowlem
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Referencing geostrophic velocities using ADCP data at 24.5°N (North Atlantic)

NOC authors: Elaine McDonagh
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Remote and local monitoring of dissolved and suspended fluorescent organic matter off the Svalbard

NOC authors: Ilona Goszczko
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article