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Foraminifera of European hotspots: the HERMES project Introduction

NOC authors: Andrew Gooday
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Forecasting the ocean state using NEMO:The new FOAM system

NOC authors: John Siddorn
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Free surface CFD prediction of components of Ship Resistance for KCS

NOC authors: Alexander Phillips
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

From Observations to Forecasts - Part 6. Marine Meteorological Observations

NOC authors: Elizabeth Kent
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

From physics to fish: at the shelf edge

NOC authors: Jonathan Sharples
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Geochemistry of the Davis and Aurora Banks: Possible implications on evolution of the North Scotia Ridge

NOC authors: lmp, jam2
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

GIS in the cloud

NOC authors: Jon Blower
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Conference item

Gliders as a component of future observing systems

NOC authors: David Smeed, gxg, lmm
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Gridded Bathymetry of the CCZ

NOC authors: lmp, cart
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Hadal trenches: the ecology of the deepest places on Earth

NOC authors: Daniel Mayor
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Haklang SERPENT visit report

NOC authors: Andrew Gates, Daniel Jones
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

Hazards and warnings

NOC authors: dtp
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

HiWASE: calibration of surface salinity measurements

NOC authors: Ben Moat
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

HiWASE: instrument alignments

NOC authors: jzp, Margaret Yelland, Robin Pascal
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

How do we improve the comparability of nutrient measurements?

NOC authors: djh
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Hyperbolic retracker: removing bright target artefacts from altimetric waveform data

NOC authors: gdq
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Impact of hydrographic data assimilation on the modelled Atlantic meridional overturning circulation

NOC authors: scu
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Impact of self-attraction and loading on the annual cycle in sea level

NOC authors: Mark Tamisiea
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Improving the altimetric rain record from Jason-1 & Jason-2

NOC authors: gdq
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

In situ nutrient sensors for ocean observing systems

NOC authors: kel1, Susan Hartman, Matthew Mowlem
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

In situ sustained Eulerian observatories

NOC authors: Richard Lampitt, Katherine (Katy) Hill
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Indian Ocean Subtropical Mode Water: its water characteristics and spatial distribution

NOC authors: tt2r07
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Influence of turbulence closure on estuarine sediment dynamics and morphodynamics

NOC authors: Laurent Amoudry, Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Conference item

Integrating satellite altimetry and key observations: what we’ve learned, and what’s possible with new technologies

NOC authors: Paolo Cipollini, rbs1p07
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Integrating the ocean observing system: mobile platforms

NOC authors: W. John Gould, Elizabeth Kent
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Interannual variability of Arctic sea ice export into the East Greenland Current

NOC authors: jstan, ejr, Sheldon Bacon, mxb, dxw
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Intergrating quality assurance and quality control into open geopatial consortium sensor web enablement

NOC authors: bt
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section


NOC authors: Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Investigating the timing, processes and deposits of one the World¹s largest submarine gravity flows: the 'Bed 5 event' off northwest Africa

NOC authors: Russell Wynn, Peter Talling, dgma, cjs1e08, Tim Le Bas
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Jason-1/Jason-2 metocean comparisons and monitoring

NOC authors: gdq
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article