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Risk Analysis for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Operations in Extreme Environments

NOC authors: mait, gxg, Peter Challenor
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

RRS Discovery Cruise 343, 27 Sep-15 Oct 2009. Deepwater trials of the Autosub6000 AUV, HyBIS, and telemetry systems

NOC authors: Steve McPhail
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

RRS Discovery Cruise 351, 10-28 May 2010. The Extended Ellett Line 2010.

NOC authors: jfr
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

RRS Discovery Cruise D344, 21 Oct-18 Nov 2009. RAPID Mooring Cruise Report.

NOC authors: scu
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

RSS Discovery Cruise 332, 21 Aug – 25 Sep 2008. Arctic Gateway (WOCE AR7)

NOC authors: Sheldon Bacon
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

RSS James Clark Ross Cruise 221, 26 May – 05 Jun 2010. PAP observatory development

NOC authors: Richard Lampitt
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

RV Prince Madog 02/10 cruise report, POL Coastal Observatory cruise #66, 26th-28th January 2010

NOC authors: Matthew Palmer
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

RV Prince Madog 05/10 cruise report, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 67, 17 March 2010

NOC authors: Philip Knight
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

RV Prince Madog 10/10 cruise report, NOC Coastal Observatory cruise 68, 28-30 April 2010

NOC authors: Andrew Lane
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

RV Prince Madog 21/10 cruise report, NOC Coastal Observatory cruise 70, 7-8 July 2010

NOC authors: Philip Knight
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

RV Prince Madog PD 17/10 cruise summary report, 9-10 June 2010

NOC authors: John Howarth
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

Sahara Slide: Age, initiation, and processes of a giant submarine slide

NOC authors: dgma, Russell Wynn
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article


NOC authors: Penny Holliday, jfr
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Satellite altimetry and key observations: what we've learned, and what's possible with new technologies

NOC authors: rbs1p07, Paolo Cipollini
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Sea level changes induced by local winds on the west coast of India

NOC authors: mnt, agps, Paolo Cipollini
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Sea level variations, in "State of the Climate in 2009"

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Sea-level rise and variability – a summary for policy makers

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

Sea-level rise and variability: synthesis and outlook for the future

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Seasonal sea level extremes in the Mediterranean Sea and at the Atlantic European coasts

NOC authors: mnt, agps
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Seasonal variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at 26.5°N

NOC authors: scu, Joel Hirschi, hlb, Julie Collins
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Shell Gro SERPENT final report

NOC authors: Daniel Jones, Andrew Gates
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

Shell South Uist SERPENT final report

NOC authors: Daniel Jones, Andrew Gates
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Monograph

Ship-based repeat hydrography: a strategy for a sustained global program

NOC authors: ks1
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Short-term impacts of enhanced Greenland freshwater fluxes in an eddy-permitting ocean model

NOC authors: rma, Damien Desbruyeres, bac, Andrew Coward, Yevgeny Aksenov
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Significant CO2 fixation by small prymnesiophytes in the subtropical and tropical northeast Atlantic Ocean

NOC authors: Mikhail Zubkov
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article

Simulations of a self propelled autonomous underwater vehicle

NOC authors: Alexander Phillips
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Thesis

Solvent processing of PMMA and COC chips for bonding devices with optical quality surfaces

NOC authors: cfaf, Matthew Mowlem
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS): Rationale and strategy for sustained observations of the Southern Ocean

NOC authors: mmm, ks1, acng
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Book section

Southern Ocean response to relative velocity wind stress forcing

NOC authors: jeff
Publication Year: 2010
Publication type: Article