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Estimates of Reynolds stress in a highly energetic shelf sea

NOC authors: Alejandro Souza, John Howarth
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Evolution of a submarine magmatic - hydrothermal system: Brothers volcano, southern Kermadec arc, New Zealand

NOC authors: Ian Wright
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Extreme spatial variability in marine picoplankton and its consequences for interpreting Eulerian time-series

NOC authors: Adrian Martin, Mikhail Zubkov, rojh
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Feeding and egg production of Oithona similis in the North Atlantic

NOC authors: Richard Lampitt
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

FerryBox celebrates first year of data collection

NOC authors: djh
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

First sighting of active fluid venting in the Gulf of Cadiz

NOC authors: Veerle Huvenne
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Focused fluid flow in passive continental margins

NOC authors: cbe
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Gas hydrates and their potential effects on deep water exploration activities

NOC authors: Angus Best
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Conference item

Glacial to interglacial changes in the settling depth of the Mediterranean Outflow plume

NOC authors: ejr, ppew, jwm1
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Global change and the European coast – climate change and economic development.

NOC authors: txe
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Book section

Global ocean mean wave period data: validation and description

NOC authors: Christine Gommenginger
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Global sea level rise: a useful sea level predictor in the Mediterranean Sea?

NOC authors: mnt
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Halocarbon and dimethyl sulphide production around the Mascarene Plateau

NOC authors: Denise Smythe-Wright, szb, chl1, Adrian New
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

High resolution acoustic imagery from a shallow archaeological site: The Grace Dieu - a case study

NOC authors: jkd, Angus Best
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Book section

Hybridisation of picoeukaryotes by eubacterial probes is widespread in the marine environment

NOC authors: Mikhail Zubkov
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Hydrodynamic Modelling of Mesoscale Eddies in the Black Sea

NOC authors: geoapi, Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Imaging of buried archaeological materials: the reflection properties of archaeological wood

NOC authors: jkd, Angus Best
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Impact of barrier layer on winter-spring variability of the southeastern Arabian Sea

NOC authors: Gurvan Madec
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Implications for the history of Cenozoic opal deposition from a quantitative model

NOC authors: Andrew Yool, tt
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Improved satellite altimetry in coastal systems: case study of the Corsica Channel (Mediterranean Sea)

NOC authors: Paolo Cipollini
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Introducing BACCO, an R bundle for Bayesian analysis of computer code output

NOC authors: rksh
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Letter. Slowing of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at 25° N

NOC authors: hlb, hrl100, scu
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Li and δ7Li in Himalayan rivers: Proxies for silicate weathering?

NOC authors: rame1
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Long term water masses: time scales

NOC authors: mnt
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Book section

Marrus claudanielis, a new species of deep-sea physonect siphonophore (Siphonophora, Physonectae)

NOC authors: Philip Pugh
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Measuring ocean temperature: what can we learn from Nansen's experience on the "Fram" a century ago?

NOC authors: gxg
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Mechanisms of decadal variability of the wind-driven ocean circulation

NOC authors: jeff
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Mediterranean sea level trends: atmospheric pressure and wind contribution

NOC authors: mnt
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

MEMS enablement and analysis of the Miniature Autonomous Submersible Explorer

NOC authors: Matthew Mowlem
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Metabolic stoichiometry and the fate of excess carbon and nutrients in consumers

NOC authors: Tom Anderson
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Methods to homogenize wind speeds from ships and buoys

NOC authors: Elizabeth Kent
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Modeling hybrid energy systems for use in AUVs

NOC authors: gxg
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Book section

Molecular characterisation of pelagic larvae and molecular biology of hydrothermal vent organisms

NOC authors: drd
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Molecular identification of picoplankton populations in contrasting waters of the Arabian Sea

NOC authors: Mikhail Zubkov
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article

Multi-year satellite observations of instability waves in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean

NOC authors: caetano, isr
Publication Year: 2005
Publication type: Article
