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Conferences – time for a new approach?

NOC authors: gxg
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Contribution of mesoscale processes to nutrient budgets in the Arabian Sea

NOC authors: Gurvan Madec
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Correction to "Long-term and recent changes in sea level in the Falkland Islands"

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth, dtp
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Coupling of dimethylsulfide oxidation to biomass production by a marine flavobacterium

NOC authors: Angela Hatton
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Dalsnuten SERPENT final report

NOC authors: kk1u09, Daniel Jones, Andrew Gates
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Monograph

Decay of eddies at the South-West Indian Ridge

NOC authors: bac, Andrew Coward
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Deep-sea observations and modeling of the 2004 Sumatra tsunami in Drake Passage

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

DEFRApH - Sample collection and handling procedures

NOC authors: djh
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Monograph

Depth attenuation of organic matter export associated with jelly falls

NOC authors: Daniel Jones
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Designing a computer experiment that involves switches

NOC authors: Peter Challenor
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Determining Vertical Water Velocities from Seaglider

NOC authors: Eleanor Frajka-Williams
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Deterministic coastal morphological and sediment transport modeling: a review and discussion

NOC authors: Laurent Amoudry, Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Development and Implementation of the Hyperbolic Pretracker

NOC authors: gdq
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Monograph

Development of the POLCOMS-WAM current-wave model

NOC authors: rbol, Judith Wolf
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Dissolved and particulate organic carbon in hydrothermal plumes from the East Pacific Rise, 9°50′N

NOC authors: sarahb, drhg
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Disturbance, productivity and diversity in deep-sea canyons: a worm’s eye view

NOC authors: David Billett, pat8
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Diurnal variability in sea surface temperature in the Arctic

NOC authors: djsp
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

E-Learning: Is It All It’s Hyped Up To Be?

NOC authors: srb2
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Effects of instrumented bottom tripods on process measurements

NOC authors: rbol, Laurent Amoudry
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Electroporation and lysis of marine microalga Karenia brevis for RNA extraction and amplification

NOC authors: bmm1g08, mnt199, Matthew Mowlem
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Environmental Forcing of Nitrogen Fixation in the Eastern Tropical and Sub-Tropical North Atlantic Ocean

NOC authors: Matthew Patey, pgh102, mnie, eric
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Erratum: The shaping of storm tracks by mountains and ocean dynamics

NOC authors: Chris Wilson, Bablu Sinha
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

ESONET NoE: An European initiative to develop and integrate the scientific European community using deep-sea observatories

NOC authors: Richard Lampitt, Henry Ruhl, Ian Wright
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Book section

Evaluation of a polynya flux model by means of thermal infrared satellite estimates

NOC authors: Miguel Morales Maqueda
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Export and mesopelagic particle flux during a North Atlantic spring diatom bloom

NOC authors: pm8v07, Richard Lampitt, Richard Sanders
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Fate of Early 2000s Arctic Warm Water Pulse

NOC authors: Sheldon Bacon
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

General discussion (contributor to)

NOC authors: mnt199
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article
