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RRS James Cook Cruise 62, 24 Jul-29 Aug 2011. Porcupine Abyssal Plain – sustained observatory research

NOC authors: Henry Ruhl
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Monograph

RRS James Cook Cruise JC064, 10 Sep - 09 Oct 2011. RAPID moorings cruise report

NOC authors: scu
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Monograph

RV Ronald H. Brown Cruise RB1201, 15 Feb - 05 Mar 2012. RAPID moorings cruise report

NOC authors: Darren Rayner
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Monograph

Sea level changes at Ascension Island in the last half century

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth, Peter Foden, Dave Jones, Jeff Pugh, Simon Holgate, Angela Hibbert, dlb, Clare Bellingham
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

Sea level variability and change

NOC authors: Simon Holgate
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

Seafloor geology and geophysics research is a strategic necessity for the UK

NOC authors: Angus Best
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

Seasonal and spatial dynamics of iron availability in the Scotia Sea

NOC authors: Richard Sanders, mjwh, rk
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

Seasonal dynamics of the carbonate system in the Western English Channel

NOC authors: Susan Hartman, djh
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

Seasonal sea level cycle in the Caribbean Sea

NOC authors: rrtp1g09, mnt
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

Seasonal trophic structure of the Scotia Sea pelagic ecosystem considered through biomass spectra and stable isotope analysis

NOC authors: gant, gsto, pwar, Alex Poulton, hjv, ejmu
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

Seawater-pH measurements for ocean-acidification observations

NOC authors: vr5g08, cfaf, Matthew Mowlem, Douglas Connelly, eric
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

Seismic evidence for shallow gas-escape features associated with a retreating gas hydrate zone offshore west Svalbard

NOC authors: ss1g08, tmin, dgma, anab
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

Setting new thermal standards for transitional and coastal (TraC) waters

NOC authors: Andrew Wither
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

Short-term and seasonal variation in metabolic balance in Liverpool Bay

NOC authors: jopk, Jonathan Sharples
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

Southern Ocean Deep Benthic Biodiversity

NOC authors: Andrew Gooday, stefk, kl
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Book section

State of the Climate in 2011

NOC authors: David Berry, Simon Holgate, Darren Rayner
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

Story Board 3: Riding the storm in the North Atlantic

NOC authors: Penny Holliday
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Book section

Subaqueous sediment density flows: Depositional processes and deposit types

NOC authors: Peter Talling, dgma, ejs1a08
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

Submarine Estimates of Arctic Turbulent Spectra (SEATS)

NOC authors: cljm1g08, jta, Adrian Martin
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Conference item

Submarine magmatic-hydrothermal systems at the Monowai volcanic centre, Kermadec Arc

NOC authors: Ian Wright
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

Submarine pyroclastic deposits formed during the 20th May 2006 dome collapse of the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat

NOC authors: jtro, clfoster, sclou, chde, tchr, rrl, ptal, Tim Le Bas
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

Temporal changes in deep-sea sponge populations are correlated to changes in surface climate and food supply

NOC authors: Henry Ruhl
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

Temporal changes in the water mass distribution and transports along the 20ºW CAIBOX section (NE Atlantic)

NOC authors: Lidia Carracedo
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

The carbonate system in the North Sea: Sensitivity and model validation

NOC authors: Jason Holt, Sarah Wakelin
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

The Diapycnal and Isopycnal Mixing Experiment: A First Assessment

NOC authors: mmm, jbsall, emsh, David Smeed
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

The discovery of new deep-sea hydrothermal vent communities in the Southern Ocean and implications for biogeography

NOC authors: Douglas Connelly, rame1, rdla, kl, dpearce, bja199, sarahb, accl, alah, drhg, Veerle Huvenne, Leigh Marsh, kair
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

The effect of the nugget on Gaussian process emulators of computer models

NOC authors: Peter Challenor
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

The Femtoprint Project

NOC authors: Allison Schaap
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

The future of RRS Discovery

NOC authors: ebc
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

The impact of future sea-level rise on the European Shelf tides

NOC authors: Kevin Horsburgh
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article

The increasing Firecrest population in the New Forest, Hampshire

NOC authors: Russell Wynn
Publication Year: 2012
Publication type: Article
