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Biomass changes and trophic amplification of plankton in a warmer ocean

NOC authors: Jason Holt, Heather Cannaby, Sarah Wakelin
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Boundary mixing in Orkney Passage outflow

NOC authors: epab, mmm
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Briefing: Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference 2013

NOC authors: Peter Thorne, Lucy Bricheno
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Can turbidites be used to reconstruct a paleoearthquake record for the central Sumatran margin?: REPLY

NOC authors: Peter Talling, Russell Wynn
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Celebrating 80 years of the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL)

NOC authors: Lesley Rickards, Andrew Matthews, Kathy Gordon, Mark Tamisiea, Svetlana Jevrejeva, Phil Woodworth, Elizabeth Bradshaw
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Book section

Cessation of deep convection in the open Southern Ocean under anthropogenic climate change

NOC authors: Raffaele Bernardello
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Changes in significant and maximum wave heights in the Norwegian Sea

NOC authors: mnt, Margaret Yelland, gdq
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Chemical weathering processes in the Great Artesian Basin: Evidence from lithium and silicon isotopes

NOC authors: rame1
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Cloud computing in e-science: research challenges and opportunities

NOC authors: Jon Blower
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Coccolithophore calcification response to past ocean acidification and climate change

NOC authors: Alex Poulton
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Coccolithophores on the North-West European Shelf: calcification rates and environmental controls

NOC authors: Alex Poulton, Mark Stinchcombe
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Commonness and rarity in the marine biosphere

NOC authors: stefk, kl
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Contaminant exchange rates in estuaries – New formulae accounting for advection and dispersion

NOC authors: David Prandle
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Controls on monthly estuarine residuals: Eulerian circulation and elevation

NOC authors: Jennifer Brown, rbol, Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Controls on pH in surface waters of northwestern European shelf seas

NOC authors: Matthew Mowlem
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Coordinated International Activities On Ocean-Atmosphere Climate Study

NOC authors: caetano, rogbar
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Coring disturbances in IODP piston cores with implications for offshore record of volcanic events and the Missoula megafloods

NOC authors: Martin Jutzeler, Peter Talling
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Corrigendum: Sea-level and deep-sea-temperature variability over the past 5.3 million years

NOC authors: Mark Tamisiea
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Data compilation of fluxes of sedimenting material from sediment traps in the Atlantic Ocean

NOC authors: Sinhue Torres-Valdes, Stuart Painter, Adrian Martin, Richard Sanders
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Deep boundary current disintegration in Drake Passage

NOC authors: David Smeed, mmm
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Delivering NCOF operational marine data through the internet

NOC authors: Jon Blower
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Detection and impacts of leakage from sub-seafloor deep geological carbon dioxide storage

NOC authors: Anna Lichtschlag, Douglas Connelly, rame1, dal, djsm, Ian Wright, mcak
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Discovery of the largest historic silicic submarine eruption

NOC authors: Martin Jutzeler
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Dissolved organic carbon and apparent oxygen utilization in the Atlantic Ocean

NOC authors: Richard Sanders, Alex Poulton
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Distal turbidites reveal a common distribution for large (>0.1 km3) submarine landslide recurrence

NOC authors: Mike Clare, Peter Talling, James Hunt
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Driven around the bend: Spatial evolution and controls on the orientation of helical bend flow in a natural submarine gravity current

NOC authors: Russell Wynn, Steve McPhail, James Perrett, Andy Webb, Dave White
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Dynamic photoinhibition exhibited by red coralline algae in the Red Sea

NOC authors: Angela Hatton
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Ecological carbon sequestration in the oceans and climate change

NOC authors: Richard Sanders, Stephanie Henson
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Book section

Ecological restoration in the deep sea: Desiderata

NOC authors: David Billett
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Ecosystem function and services provided by the deep sea

NOC authors: Daniel Jones
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Eddy-induced variability in Southern Ocean abyssal mixing on climatic timescales

NOC authors: mmm, David Smeed, Brian King, jbsall
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Efficient CO2 fixation by surface Prochlorococcus in the Atlantic Ocean

NOC authors: mart1, Mikhail Zubkov
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

EMSO: A Distributed Infrastructure for Addressing Geohazards and Global Ocean Change

NOC authors: Henry Ruhl
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article

Erratum to: Controls on monthly estuarine residuals: Eulerian circulation and elevation

NOC authors: Jennifer Brown, rbol, Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2014
Publication type: Article