Is the meiofauna a good indicator for climate change and anthropogenic impacts?

Zeppilli, Daniela; Sarrazin, Jozée; Leduc, Daniel; Arbizu, Pedro Martinez; Fontaneto, Diego; Fontanier, Christophe; Gooday, Andrew J.; Kristensen, Reinhardt Møbjerg; Ivanenko, Viatcheslav N.; Sørensen, Martin V.; Vanreusel, Ann; Thébault, Julien; Mea, Marianna; Allio, Noémie; Andro, Thomas; Arvigo, Alexandre; Castrec, Justine; Danielo, Morgan; Foulon, Valentin; Fumeron, Raphaelle; Hermabessiere, Ludovic; Hulot, Vivien; James, Tristan; Langonne-Augen, Roxanne; Le Bot, Tangi; Long, Marc; Mahabror, Dendy; Morel, Quentin; Pantalos, Michael; Pouplard, Etienne; Raimondeau, Laura; Rio-Cabello, Antoine; Seite, Sarah; Traisnel, Gwendoline; Urvoy, Kevin; Van Der Stegen, Thomas; Weyand, Mariam; Fernandes, David. 2015 Is the meiofauna a good indicator for climate change and anthropogenic impacts? Marine Biodiversity, 45 (3). 505-535.

Publication year
Publication type
Marine Biodiversity
NOC authors