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Reliability Case Notes No. 8. Risk and reliability analysis of Autosub 6000 autonomous underwater vehicle

NOC authors: mait
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Monograph

Representing and modelling coastal systems over a regional scale for coastal management

NOC authors: Jennifer Brown
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Book section

RRS Discovery Cruise DY008, 18 Mar - 13 Apr 2014, Southampton to Southampton. Shelf sea biogeochemistry

NOC authors: Henry Ruhl
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Monograph

RRS Discovery Cruise DY017, 20 Oct - 05 Nov 2014. Outer Hebrides process cruise

NOC authors: Stuart Painter
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Monograph

RRS James Cook Cruise JC103, 23 Apr - 03 Jun 2014. RAPID moorings cruise report

NOC authors: David Smeed
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Monograph

RV Knorr Cruise KN221-02, 9th July – 1st August 2014. OSNAP Mooring Cruise Report

NOC authors: scu, Loïc Houpert
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Monograph

SAR altimeter backscattered waveform model

NOC authors: mpc3r07, Christine Gommenginger
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article

Sea level rise projections for northern Europe under RCP8.5

NOC authors: Svetlana Jevrejeva
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article

Sea-level measurements from tide gauges

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Book section

Sea-level monitoring in the British Overseas Territories

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth, Angela Hibbert
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article

Sediment dynamics over sand ridges on a tideless mid-outer continental shelf

NOC authors: Claudio Lo Iacono
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article

Sensitivity of estuaries to sea level rise: Vulnerability indices

NOC authors: David Prandle, Andrew Lane
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article

Serving GODAE data and products to the ocean community

NOC authors: Jon Blower
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article

Shelf-slope exchanges and particle dispersion in Blanes submarine canyon (NW Mediterranean Sea): A numerical study

NOC authors: Raffaele Bernardello
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article

Single-taxon field measurements of bacterial gene regulation controlling DMSP fate

NOC authors: Julie Robidart
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article

Spatial and temporal variation in sponge spicule patches at Station M, northeast Pacific

NOC authors: Henry Ruhl
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article

Spatial and temporal variations of the seasonal sea level cycle in the northwest Pacific

NOC authors: mnt, Francisco Mir Calafat, Paolo Cipollini
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article

State of the Climate in 2014

NOC authors: David Berry, Jeremy Grist, Svetlana Jevrejeva, Simon Josey, Gerard McCarthy, Darren Rayner, David Smeed
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article

Steady, barotropic wind and boundary-driven circulation on a polar plane

NOC authors: ajwil, Maria Luneva
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article

Sticky stuff: Redefining bedform prediction in modern and ancient environments

NOC authors: Peter Thorne
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article

Structure, transports and transformations of the water masses in the Atlantic Subpolar Gyre

NOC authors: Lidia Carracedo
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article

Supercritical-flow structures on a Late Carboniferous delta front: Sedimentologic and paleoclimatic significance

NOC authors: Matthieu Cartigny
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article

Supercritical-flow structures on a Late Carboniferous delta front: sedimentologic and paleoclimatic significance: REPLY

NOC authors: Matthieu Cartigny
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article

Talc-dominated seafloor deposits reveal a new class of hydrothermal system

NOC authors: aw904, Douglas Connelly, Bramley Murton
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article

Telecom to mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in a Silicon Germanium Waveguide

NOC authors: Mohammad Belal
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Conference item

Temporal and spatial variation in temperature experienced by macrofauna at main endeavour Hydrothermal vent field

NOC authors: Katleen Robert
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article

The Canary Basin contribution to the seasonal cycle of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation at 26°N

NOC authors: Gerard McCarthy, David Smeed
Publication Year: 2015
Publication type: Article
