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How far ahead could we predict El Nino?

NOC authors: Bablu Sinha
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Hydrodynamic significance of variable ripple morphology across deep-water barchan dunes in the Faroe-Shetland Channel

NOC authors: Russell Wynn, dgma, Brian Bett
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Hydrothermal plume - particle fluxes at 13N on the East Pacific Rise

NOC authors: pmrp
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Influence of photochemistry on the marine biogeochemical cycle of dimethylsulphide in the northern North Sea

NOC authors: Angela Hatton
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Initiation and evolution of turbidity current sediment waves in the Magdalena turbidite system

NOC authors: Russell Wynn
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Intercomparison of ambient acoustic spectra in inland and coastal waters

NOC authors: gdq, kgb, Jon Campbell
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Labrador Sea boundary currents and the fate of the Irminger Sea water

NOC authors: Sheldon Bacon
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Labrador seawater: pathways, CFC inventory and formation rates

NOC authors: Denise Smythe-Wright
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Lagrangian motion of particles and tracers on isopycnals

NOC authors: mmlee
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Large deep-water coral banks in the Porcupine Basin, southwest of Ireland

NOC authors: Veerle Huvenne
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Logistics, risks and procedures concerning autonomous underwater vehicles

NOC authors: gxg
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Book section

Managing climate science

NOC authors: W. John Gould
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Mantle dynamics, element recycling, and magma genesis beneath the Kermadec Arc-Havre Trough

NOC authors: Ian Wright
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Marine invertebrate eco-genotoxicology: a methodological overview

NOC authors: drd
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Marine microlights: the luminous marine bacteria

NOC authors: pjhe
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Melt and source diversity under the ultra low spreading Southwest Indian Ridge

NOC authors: Bramley Murton, sr1
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Mesoscale distribution of dominant bacterioplankton groups in the northern North Sea in early summer

NOC authors: Mikhail Zubkov
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Mesoscale frontal dynamics: shaping the environment of primary production in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current

NOC authors: acng, rtp, jta, jfr
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Modeling DOM biogeochemistry

NOC authors: Tom Anderson
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Book section

Modelling the seasonal cycle of the exchange flow in Bab el Mandab (Red Sea)

NOC authors: David Smeed, ejr
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Models of near-bed dynamics and sediment movement at the Iberian margin

NOC authors: Alan M. Davies, jxx, John Huthnance, phh
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Multi-sensor satellite monitoring of ocean climate

NOC authors: Peter Challenor, Paolo Cipollini, ddc, gdq, Meric Srokosz
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Book section

Near-bed turbulence measurements, stress estimates and sediment mobility at the continental shelf edge

NOC authors: John Huthnance, jdh, Philip Knight
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

News from the WOCE IPO

NOC authors: W. John Gould
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

News from the WOCE IPO: last but not least

NOC authors: W. John Gould
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Norwegian Sea overflow through the Faroe-Shetland gateway as documented by its bedforms

NOC authors: vhh
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Observations on the cuticular photophores of the sergestid shrimp Sergia gradis (Sund, 1920)

NOC authors: pjhe
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Occurrence and origin of submarine plunge pools at the base of the US continental slope

NOC authors: Peter Talling
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Ocean margin exchange—water flux estimates

NOC authors: John Huthnance
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Ocean response to the March 1997 Westerly Wind Event

NOC authors: Gurvan Madec
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Ocean wave effects on global altimeter wind climate retrieval

NOC authors: Christine Gommenginger, Meric Srokosz, Peter Challenor
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Book section

On the circulation of bottom water in the region of the Vema Channel

NOC authors: Elaine McDonagh
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

On the export of Antarctic bottom water from the Weddell Sea

NOC authors: acng, Elaine McDonagh, Richard Sanders
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

On the frequency distribution of turbidite thickness

NOC authors: Peter Talling
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article

Operational oceanography using the new SeaSoar undulator

NOC authors: jta, vcc, cmm297
Publication Year: 2002
Publication type: Article