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The dependence of UK extreme sea levels and storm surges on the North Atlantic Oscillation

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth, Roger Flather, Jane Williams, Sarah Wakelin, Svetlana Jevrejeva
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

The Eirik Drift: A longterm barometer of North Atlantic Deep water flux south of Cape Farewell, Greenland

NOC authors: dxw, jstan, Sheldon Bacon, ejr, akha
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Book section

The Fugløy Reef at 70°N; acoustic signature, geologic, geomorphologic and oceanographic setting

NOC authors: cbe
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

The importance of tidal pumping in a Mediterranean lagoon

NOC authors: Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Conference item

The Leeuwin Current and its eddies: An introductory overview

NOC authors: Catia Domingues
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

The long-term legacy of fossil fuels

NOC authors: tt, jgs
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

The Magellan mound province in the Porcupine Basin

NOC authors: Veerle Huvenne
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

The measurement of the in situ compressional wave properties of marine sediments

NOC authors: Angus Best, jkd, jmb1, andy
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

The morphology and tidal propagation of the Dee Estuary, UK

NOC authors: Judith Wolf, Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Conference item

The oceans

NOC authors: scu
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Book section

The phylogeny of endolithic microbes associated with marine basalts

NOC authors: mm7c10
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

The probability of rapid climate change: II

NOC authors: Peter Challenor
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

The reporting of sea level information

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

The retroflection of part of the East Greenland Current at Cape Farewell

NOC authors: Penny Holliday, Sheldon Bacon, sga, bac
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

The salinity: δ18O water relationship in Kongsfjorden, western Spitsbergen

NOC authors: Suzanne Maclachlan
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

The UK Marine Data and Information Partnership (MDIP) - Establishing a UK marine data and information framework

NOC authors: dcott
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Book section

The use of ADCPs to measure turbulence and SPM in shelf seas

NOC authors: Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Conference item

The use of ships of opportunity for Irish Sea based oceanographic measurements

NOC authors: Christopher Balfour, John Howarth, msm, Dave Jones, Jeff Pugh
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Conference item

Three forms of variability in Argentine Basin ocean bottom pressure

NOC authors: Chris Hughes, vst, Geoff Hargreaves
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Timely detection of changes in the meridional overturning circulation at 26°N in the Atlantic

NOC authors: sga, scu
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Towards a risk management process for automous underwater vehicles

NOC authors: gxg
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Book section

Towards measuring the meridional overturning circulation from space

NOC authors: ddc, agps, Peter Challenor, Richenda Houseago-Stokes
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Towards the development of a fossil bone geochemical standard: an inter-laboratory study

NOC authors: jam2, drhg, pmrp, trueman
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Tracking North Atlantic climate

NOC authors: Bablu Sinha
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Transatlantic temperature and salinity changes at 24.5°N from 1957 to 2004

NOC authors: scu, sga
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Transformation of the Labrador Sea water in the subpolar North Atlantic

NOC authors: Penny Holliday
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Transports across the 2002 Greenland-Portugal Ovide section and comparison with 1997

NOC authors: Sheldon Bacon
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Trend estimation in extremes of synthetic North Sea surges

NOC authors: Roger Flather
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Tsunami - assessing the hazard for the UK and Irish coast

NOC authors: rmwm, Kevin Horsburgh
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Conference item

Tsunami hazard scenarios in the Adriatic Sea domain

NOC authors: mp1w07
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Turbulence and suspended sediment in estuaries and shelf seas

NOC authors: Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Conference item

Undersea gliders

NOC authors: gxg
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Understanding sea level rise and variability

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Upwelling intensification enhances nutrient supply to a coastal lagoon in Baja California during spring 2005

NOC authors: Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Conference item

Urn sampling without replacement: enumerative combinatorics in R

NOC authors: rksh
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Variations of the seasonal sea level cycle in southern Europe

NOC authors: mnt
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Water column stability and spring bloom dynamics in the Gulf of Alaska

NOC authors: Stephanie Henson
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Water properties and circulation in Arctic Ocean models

NOC authors: migque
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Wave climate on the NW European Continental Shelf

NOC authors: Judith Wolf
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article