Effects of atmospheric dynamics and ocean resolution on bi-stability of the thermohaline circulation examined using the Grid ENabled Integrated Earth system modelling (GENIE) framework

Lenton, T.M.; Marsh, R.; Price, A.R.; Lunt, D J.; Aksenov, Y.; Annan, J.D.; Cooper-Chadwick, T.; Cox, S.J.; Edwards, N.R.; Goswami, S.; Hargreaves, J.C.; Harris, P.P.; Jiao, S.; Livina, V.N.; Payne, A.J.; Rutt, I.C.; Shepherd, J.G.; Valdes, P.J.; Williams, G.; Williamson, M.S.; Yool, A. 2007 Effects of atmospheric dynamics and ocean resolution on bi-stability of the thermohaline circulation examined using the Grid ENabled Integrated Earth system modelling (GENIE) framework. Climate Dynamics, 29 (6). 591-613. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-007-0254-9

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Climate Dynamics