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META-T VOS Subgroup Report: 11th January 2007

NOC authors: Elizabeth Kent
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Monograph

Microbial abundance, activity and iron uptake in vicinity of the Crozet Isles in November 2004-January 2005

NOC authors: Mikhail Zubkov, rojh, iwc, pew
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Microbial control of phosphate in the nutrient-depleted North Atlantic subtropical gyre

NOC authors: Mikhail Zubkov, pew
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Modeling of nutrient dynamics in a coastal lagoon through ecosystem model

NOC authors: Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Conference item

Modeling the barrier-layer formation in the southeastern Arabian Sea

NOC authors: Gurvan Madec
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Modelling nearshore waves with the presence of shore-parallel breakwaters

NOC authors: Judith Wolf, Paul Bell
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Book section

Modelling of waves and set-up for the storm of 11-12 January 2005

NOC authors: Judith Wolf
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Monograph

Modelling SPM on the NW European shelf seas

NOC authors: Alejandro Souza, Jason Holt, Roger Proctor
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Book section

Modelling the hydrodynamics of offshore sandbanks

NOC authors: Alan M. Davies
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Modelling the tidal mixing fronts of the northwest European continental shelf

NOC authors: Jason Holt
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Morphological models for flood risk management in UK estuaries

NOC authors: Andrew Lane, John Huthnance
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Conference item

Morphology and mechanics of submarine spreading: a case study from the Storegga Slide

NOC authors: dgma, cbe
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

MV Franklin Cruise 0406, 14-23 Sep 2006. Habitat investigations on the West of Shetland continental slope

NOC authors: clj
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Monograph

NERC Data Grid

NOC authors: Helen Snaith
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Conference item

New insight into the evolution of large-volume turbidity currents: comparison of turbidite shape and previous modelling results

NOC authors: Peter Talling, Russell Wynn
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Nitrate uptake at photic zone depths is not important for export in the subtropical ocean

NOC authors: Stuart Painter, Richard Sanders, Alex Poulton
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

North Atlantic contourite sand channels.

NOC authors: akha
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Book section

Oblique rifting along the central and southern Kermadec Arc front (30°–36°S), SW Pacific

NOC authors: Ian Wright
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Observational program tracks Arctic Ocean transition to a warmer state

NOC authors: Penny Holliday
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Observations: oceanic climate change and sea level

NOC authors: cleq, Simon Josey, Mark Tamisiea, mnt, Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Book section

Observations: surface and atmospheric climate change

NOC authors: Simon Josey
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Book section

Observed flow compensation associated with the MOC at 26.5°N in the Atlantic

NOC authors: tok, scu, Darren Rayner, Joel Hirschi, hlb
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Ocean activities in CLIVAR - recent developments

NOC authors: hyc
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Ocean and atmosphere storm tracks: the role of eddy vorticity forcing

NOC authors: Chris Wilson, Chris Hughes
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Ocean control of the breeding regime of the sooty tern in the southwest Indian Ocean

NOC authors: gdq
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Oceanic heat transport onto the Amundsen Sea shelf through a submarine glacial trough

NOC authors: ajen, jta
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

Old versions of the WMO Ship Catalogue (WMO No. 47)

NOC authors: Elizabeth Kent, David Berry
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Monograph

On available energy in the ocean and its application to the Barents Sea

NOC authors: David Webb
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

On the accuracy of North Atlantic temperature and heat storage fields from Argo

NOC authors: ncw, Simon Josey, Joel Hirschi
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

On the circulation of water masses across the Mascarene Plateau in the South Indian Ocean

NOC authors: Adrian New, sga, David Smeed, ks1
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

On the decadal rates of sea level change during the twentieth century

NOC authors: Simon Holgate
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

On the detectability of internal tides in Drake Passage

NOC authors: Julie Collins, Chris Hughes
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

On the fast response of the Southern Ocean to changes in the zonal wind

NOC authors: David Webb, bac
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

On the importance of non-hydrostatic processes in determining tidally induced mixing in still regions

NOC authors: jxx, Alan M. Davies
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

On the Indonesian throughflow in the OCCAM 1/4 degree ocean model

NOC authors: David Webb
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

On the influence of stratification and tidal forcing upon mixing in sill regions

NOC authors: Alan M. Davies, jxx
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Article

On the performance of three deep-diving underwater gliders

NOC authors: gxg, lmm, David Smeed
Publication Year: 2007
Publication type: Book section
