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Copepods Boost the Production but Reduce the Carbon Export Efficiency by Diatoms

NOC authors: Sari Giering
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

21st Century Sea-Level Rise in Line with the Paris Accord

NOC authors: Svetlana Jevrejeva
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

AMM15: a new high-resolution NEMO configuration for operational simulation of the European north-west shelf

NOC authors: Jason Holt, Jeff Polton, kariho40, Ashley Brereton, Sarah Wakelin, Gaby Mayorga Adame
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Macronutrient and carbon supply, uptake and cycling across the Antarctic Peninsula shelf during summer

NOC authors: hjv, mmm, Yvonne Firing, sabise
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Multibeam sonar backscatter data processing

NOC authors: Tim Le Bas
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

A note on Stommel’s Theory of the Tropical Cell

NOC authors: David Webb
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Monograph

Habitat characterization of the Vema Fracture Zone and Puerto Rico Trench

NOC authors: Isobel Yeo
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Out of sight, but within reach: A Global History of Bottom-Trawled Deep-Sea Fisheries from >400 m depth

NOC authors: Lisette Victorero-Gonzalez
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

The Met Office Global Coupled Model 3.0 and 3.1 (GC3.0 and GC3.1) Configurations

NOC authors: Alex Megann
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Oxygen dynamics in shelf seas sediments incorporating seasonal variability

NOC authors: Helen Smith, Angela Hatton, Daniel Mayor
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Quantifying spatial heterogeneity in submarine canyons

NOC authors: Veerle Huvenne, Katleen Robert
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

CIRCE: The Canarias InfraRed Camera Experiment for the Gran Telescopio Canarias

NOC authors: Miguel Charcos Llorens
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Coccolithovirus facilitation of carbon export in the North Atlantic

NOC authors: Filipa Carvalho
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Changes in extreme sea levels

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Atlantic multi-decadal variability and the UK ACSIS programme

NOC authors: Gerard McCarthy, Bablu Sinha
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

On the influence of marine biogeochemical processes over CO 2 exchange between the atmosphere and ocean

NOC authors: Chris Daniels
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Estimating sea surface temperature measurement methods using characteristic differences in the diurnal cycle

NOC authors: Giulia Carella, David Berry, Elizabeth Kent
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Improving microseismic P wave source location with multiple seismic arrays

NOC authors: Meric Srokosz
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Terrestrial dissolved organic matter distribution in the North Sea

NOC authors: Stuart Painter, djla, cev, Daniel Mayor, Richard Sanders
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Super Storm Desmond: a process-based assessment

NOC authors: Gerard McCarthy
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

The digital transformation of education

NOC authors: Val Byfield
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Book section

Estimating the numerical diapycnal mixing in an eddy-permitting ocean model

NOC authors: Alex Megann
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

A global perspective on the trophic geography of sharks

NOC authors: Andrew Yool
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Desert dust as a source of iron to the globally important diazotroph Trichodesmium

NOC authors: Julie Robidart
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Iron biogeochemistry in the high latitude North Atlantic Ocean

NOC authors: falm1f08, Stuart Painter
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article

Lagrangian ocean analysis: fundamentals and practices

NOC authors: tomkje, Gaby Mayorga Adame, Jeff Polton
Publication Year: 2018
Publication type: Article