I am an ocean scientist with expertise in chemical oceanography and autonomous ocean observing. I have completed my undergraduate studies at the University of North Carolina and PhD at Utrecht University. Since then I have held research positions at the Marine Environmental Laboratory of the International Atomic Energy in Monaco, University of Southampton and since 2013 at the National Oceanography Centre, where I lead a team of scientists developing novel technologies for monitoring and understanding ocean biogeochemistry. As a principal investigator, I lead the development of carbonate sensor technologies and I am the technical innovation expert of ICOS-OTC (Integrated Carbon Observation System - Ocean Thematic Centre) in Europe. Current projects involve technology development for long-term sustained carbon observations, carbon dioxide removal/storage Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) and capacity building for ocean acidification monitoring.
Head of Analytical Science team of the Ocean Technology and Engineering Group (NOC)
Technical Innovation lead of the ICOS-OTC (Integrated Carbon Observation System - Ocean Thematic Centre)
Next Generation Multiplatform Ocean Observing Technologies for Research Infrastructures (GEORGE) https://george-project.eu/
Developing Optimal and Open Research Support for the Black Sea (DOORS) https://www.doorsblacksea.eu/
Strategies for the Evaluation and Assessment of Ocean based Carbon Dioxide Removal (SEAO2-CDR) https://seao2-cdr.eu/
Explaining and Predicting the Ocean Conveyor (EPOC) https://www.epoc-eu.org/
Commonwealth Marine Economies (CME) Programme https://cmeprogramme.org/