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Ocean Coverage Management Process for Gliders Operations

NOC authors: mait, David Smeed, gxg
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Book section

On the detectability of internal waves by an imaging lidar

NOC authors: Adrian New
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

On the impact of a radiational open boundary condition on continental shelf resonances

NOC authors: David Webb
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Monograph

On the shelf resonances of the English Channel and Irish Sea

NOC authors: David Webb
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

On the use of the Stokes number to explain frictional tidal dynamics and water column structure in shelf seas

NOC authors: Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Operational Biogeochemistry for Submariners (OBS) Final Report

NOC authors: cljm1g08
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Monograph

Oxygen dynamics in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre

NOC authors: Susan Hartman
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Particle tracking study in the Mersey Estuary

NOC authors: Jennifer Brown, Laurent Amoudry, Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Monograph

Past and Current Climate Changes in the Mediterranean Region

NOC authors: agps, mnt
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Book section

Patterns, processes and vulnerability of Southern Ocean benthos - a decadal leap in knowledge and understanding

NOC authors: stefk, dkab, hjg, dpearce, cjsan
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Persistence pays off: vehicles indispensable in marine science (editorial)

NOC authors: Edward Hill
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article


NOC authors: David Billett
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Priority questions to shape the marine and coastal policy research agenda in the United Kingdom

NOC authors: Russell Wynn
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Prochlorococcus can use the Pro1404 transporter to take up glucose at nanomolar concentrations in the Atlantic Ocean

NOC authors: Mikhail Zubkov, pgh102
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Projected Atlantic hurricane surge threat from rising temperatures

NOC authors: Svetlana Jevrejeva
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Projected impacts of climate change on marine fish and fisheries

NOC authors: Jason Holt
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Putting meaning into NETMAR – the open service network for marine environmental data

NOC authors: alead, Roy Lowry
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Rapid cross-density ocean mixing at mid-depths in the Drake Passage measured by tracer release

NOC authors: Brian King, mmm
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Reform of Europe's Common Fisheries Policy

NOC authors: Stephen Hall
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Reply to 'Magma balloons or bombs?' (Shea et al, Ibid, 6, 802–803, 2013)

NOC authors: Ian Wright
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Reply to Kennedy et al.: Katrina storm records in tide gauges

NOC authors: Svetlana Jevrejeva
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Report of the 20th Annual Meeting of the CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group (SSG) Kiel, Germany, 6-9 May 2013

NOC authors: jsr1g08
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Report of the 8th CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Panel (SOP) meeting, Hobart, Australia, 21-22 February 2013

NOC authors: jsr1g08, caetano
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Report of the SNOMS Project 2006 to 2012, SNOMS SWIRE NOCS Ocean Monitoring System. Part 1: Narrative description

NOC authors: djh, Mark Hartman, Jon Campbell, Susan Hartman, Maureen Pagnani
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Monograph

Report of the SNOMS Project 2006 to 2012, SNOMS SWIRE NOCS Ocean Monitoring System. Part 2: Detailed technical and data annexes

NOC authors: djh, Mark Hartman, Jon Campbell, Susan Hartman, Maureen Pagnani
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Monograph

Role of sea ice in global biogeochemical cycles: emerging views and challenges

NOC authors: Gurvan Madec
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Satellite Oceanography from the ERS Synthetic Aperture Radar and Radar Altimeter: A Brief Review

NOC authors: Paolo Cipollini
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Book section

Sea level changes at Tenerife Island (NE Tropical Atlantic) since 1927

NOC authors: Francisco Mir Calafat
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Sea-Level Rise by 2100

NOC authors: Svetlana Jevrejeva
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article

Sea-level trends and interannual variability in the Caribbean Sea

NOC authors: mnt
Publication Year: 2013
Publication type: Article