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CTD oxygen, tracer and nutrient data from RRS Charles Darwin Cruises 58/59 in the NE Atlantic as part of Vivaldi '91

NOC authors: gxg, scu, rtp, Susan Hartman, sga, jch, Tom Anderson
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Monograph

Current profile and sea-bed pressure and temperature records. May 1990 - July 1991. Dover Strait

NOC authors: Philip Knight, John Howarth, Stephen Loch
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Monograph

Evaluation on Cruise CD 62A of a Magnavox MX 4200 GPS receiver and KVH fluxgate compass to provide ship speed and headind

NOC authors: Elizabeth Kent, kgb, Robin Pascal, pkt
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Monograph

Extensive slope currents and the ocean-shelf boundary

NOC authors: John Huthnance
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Article

GPS and ship head recording system: installation and operators guide

NOC authors: kgb, Robin Pascal
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Monograph

GPS and ship head recording system: technical reference for hardware interface and software

NOC authors: Robin Pascal, kgb
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Monograph

H.F. radar surface current measurements in the Dover Strait, June 1990 - July 1991

NOC authors: Rose Player
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Monograph

Meteorological data gathering during BRS Discovery Cruise 198

NOC authors: gxg
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Monograph

Meteorological observations on OWS Cumulus - status and quality of the data set

NOC authors: pkt, Margaret Yelland
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Monograph

MultiMet temperature sensor maintenance and calibration

NOC authors: kgb
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Monograph

Project SOFIA - IOS Cruise Report

NOC authors: Elizabeth Kent, Robin Pascal
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Monograph

Routine spectral wave data acquisition on OWS Cumulus

NOC authors: Robin Pascal
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Monograph

RRS 'Challenger' Cruise 87, 4-19 December 1991. Wave, current and sediment interaction study

NOC authors: jjw
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Monograph

SeaSoar and CTD sections across the Iceland-Faeroes Front and Faeroe Shetland Channel, August 1990

NOC authors: jta, jfr, sga
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Monograph

SeaSoar CTD, fluorescence and scalar irradiance data from RRS Charles Darwin Cruises 58/59

NOC authors: scu, jch, sga, gxg, rtp, Tom Anderson
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Monograph

Shipboard ADCP observations during RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 51

NOC authors: gxg, Mark Hartman, sga
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Monograph

Shipboard ADCP observations during RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 62

NOC authors: Mark Hartman
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Monograph

Sonic Buoy Mechanical Design

NOC authors: kgb, Robin Pascal
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Monograph

Wind stress and its dependence on wind speed and sea state

NOC authors: Margaret Yelland
Publication Year: 1992
Publication type: Monograph

A unified framework for water quality modelling in shallow seas

NOC authors: Judith Wolf
Publication Year: 1991
Publication type: Monograph

A user's guide to the MultiMet Sensor Management and Calibration Facility

NOC authors: Robin Pascal
Publication Year: 1991
Publication type: Monograph

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler records. Site A - 55°30'N 00°54'E. August 1988 - September 1989. North Sea Project

NOC authors: Philip Knight, John Howarth
Publication Year: 1991
Publication type: Monograph

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler records. Site C - 54°20'N 00°24'E. August 1988 - September 1989. North Sea Project

NOC authors: Philip Knight, John Howarth
Publication Year: 1991
Publication type: Monograph

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler records. Site D - 53°30'N 03°00'E. August 1988 - September 1989. North Sea Project

NOC authors: Philip Knight, John Howarth
Publication Year: 1991
Publication type: Monograph

CTD data from the north east Atlantic, April 1989, collected on RRS Discovery Cruise 181

NOC authors: jfr, rtp
Publication Year: 1991
Publication type: Monograph

CTDO and nutrient data from Charles Darwin Cruise 50 in the Iceland Faeroes region

NOC authors: W. John Gould, djh
Publication Year: 1991
Publication type: Monograph

CTDO station data from the north east Atlantic from RRS Discovery Cruise 189

NOC authors: Brian King, sga, Sheldon Bacon, jfr
Publication Year: 1991
Publication type: Monograph

Evaluation of a Solent Sonic Anemometer on RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 43

NOC authors: Margaret Yelland, pkt, kgb, Robin Pascal
Publication Year: 1991
Publication type: Monograph

Marine geophysical data acquired 1987-1991: database summary

NOC authors: Jez Evans
Publication Year: 1991
Publication type: Monograph

Moored current measurements made in the Iceland Faeroes region during July-August 1990

NOC authors: gxg
Publication Year: 1991
Publication type: Monograph

MV Farnella Cruise 6/90, 19 June - 13 July 1990. TOBI surveys of Monterey Fan

NOC authors: dgma
Publication Year: 1991
Publication type: Monograph

Physical oceanography of the North Sea

NOC authors: John Huthnance
Publication Year: 1991
Publication type: Article

RRS 'Challenger' Cruise 84, 5-20 September 1991. Current profiles, northern North Sea

NOC authors: John Howarth
Publication Year: 1991
Publication type: Monograph

RRS Charles Darwin Cruises 58 & 59, 25 Apr - 16 May; 18 May - 10 Jun 1991. VIVALDI '91

NOC authors: rtp, gxg
Publication Year: 1991
Publication type: Monograph

SeaSoar data from the north east Atlantic collected on RRS Discovery Cruise 189, April 1990

NOC authors: Brian King, sga, Sheldon Bacon, jfr
Publication Year: 1991
Publication type: Monograph

SeaSoar data from the north east Atlantic, April 1989, collected on RRS Discovery Cruise 181

NOC authors: jfr, rtp
Publication Year: 1991
Publication type: Monograph