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Lepidocyclina migration across the Atlantic

NOC authors: ejr
Publication Year: 1988
Publication type: Article

Long SeaSoar CTD sections in the northeast Atlantic Ocean collected during RRS Discovery Cruise 114

NOC authors: rtp
Publication Year: 1988
Publication type: Monograph

Marine geophysical data acquired 1984 - 1987: database summary

NOC authors: Tim Le Bas, Jez Evans
Publication Year: 1988
Publication type: Monograph

Modelling of storm-driven shelf waves north of Scotland — I. Idealized models

NOC authors: John Huthnance, J. Eric Jones, Judith Wolf
Publication Year: 1988
Publication type: Article

Physical and dynamic properties of Lundy sand

NOC authors: jjw
Publication Year: 1988
Publication type: Monograph

RRS 'Challenger' Cruise 37/88, 1st October - 14th October, 1988. North Sea survey

NOC authors: John Huthnance
Publication Year: 1988
Publication type: Monograph

Surge prediction at Barrow-in-Furness

NOC authors: Roger Flather
Publication Year: 1988
Publication type: Monograph

The identification of juvenile grey mullet (Teliostei: Mugillidae) in British waters

NOC authors: vcc
Publication Year: 1988
Publication type: Article

Waves and wave spectra recorded at two sites off Holderness 1986 - 1987

NOC authors: Sheldon Bacon
Publication Year: 1988
Publication type: Monograph

Along-shelf evolution and sea levels across the continental slope

NOC authors: John Huthnance
Publication Year: 1987
Publication type: Article

CTD and SeaSoar data from the Agulhas Retroflection Zone

NOC authors: jfr, rtp
Publication Year: 1987
Publication type: Monograph

CTD sections across the southwest Indian Ocean and Antarctic Circumpolar Current in southern summer 1986/87

NOC authors: rtp, jfr
Publication Year: 1987
Publication type: Monograph

Drifting spar buoy current and temperature measurements made during RRS Discovery Cruises 145 and 146

NOC authors: rtp
Publication Year: 1987
Publication type: Monograph

Estimates of extreme current speeds over the continental shelf off Scotland

NOC authors: Peter Challenor
Publication Year: 1987
Publication type: Monograph

Great Meteor East: a biological characterisation

NOC authors: David Billett, Andrew Gooday, Richard Lampitt, Philip Pugh, Michael Thurston
Publication Year: 1987
Publication type: Monograph

Radioactive waste disposal studies: geochemical aspects of site characterisation. Final report

NOC authors: djh
Publication Year: 1987
Publication type: Monograph

RRS Discovery Cruise 160A, 28 July - 9 August 1986. Geochemical studies in the English Channel

NOC authors: djh
Publication Year: 1987
Publication type: Monograph

RV G.A. Reay Cruise 1/86, 6 - 10 May 1986. Geochemical studies in the English Channel

NOC authors: djh
Publication Year: 1987
Publication type: Monograph

Seasoar profiles in the Iceland-Scotland area, May 1987

NOC authors: W. John Gould, jfr
Publication Year: 1987
Publication type: Monograph

SeaSoar sections from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current at 52S, 32E to the Subtropical Front at 37S, 52E

NOC authors: rtp, jfr
Publication Year: 1987
Publication type: Monograph

Sedimentary environments in the northwestern Aegean Sea, identified from sea bed photography

NOC authors: mbc
Publication Year: 1987
Publication type: Article

Storm-driven continental shelf waves over the Scottish continental shelf

NOC authors: John Huthnance
Publication Year: 1987
Publication type: Article

Water masses in the northwestern Aegean, eastern Mediterranean Sea (Autumn/Winter, 1978)

NOC authors: mbc
Publication Year: 1987
Publication type: Article

Waves recorded west of the Scilly Isles 1979-1986

NOC authors: Sheldon Bacon
Publication Year: 1987
Publication type: Monograph

CTD data from the Madeira and Iberian Abyssal Plains: "Charles Darwin" Cruises 3/85 and 9A/85

NOC authors: pms
Publication Year: 1986
Publication type: Monograph

Moored current meter data from the Madeira Abyssal Plain (GME), 1st deployment (1984)

NOC authors: pms
Publication Year: 1986
Publication type: Monograph

Moored current meter data from the Madeira Abyssal Plain (GME), 2nd deployment (1985)

NOC authors: pms
Publication Year: 1986
Publication type: Monograph

Observations of wind waves on a reservoir

NOC authors: kgb
Publication Year: 1986
Publication type: Monograph

RRS Frederick Russell Cruise 12/85: 21-30 November 1985. Geochemical studies in the English Channel

NOC authors: djh
Publication Year: 1986
Publication type: Monograph

SeaSoar CTD surveys during FASINEX

NOC authors: rtp, jfr
Publication Year: 1986
Publication type: Monograph
