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Airflow over Le Suroit using the Computational Fluid Dynamics package Vectis

NOC authors: Ben Moat, Margaret Yelland
Publication Year: 1996
Publication type: Monograph

Airflow over the RRS Discovery: variation of velocity errors with wind speed

NOC authors: Ben Moat, Margaret Yelland
Publication Year: 1996
Publication type: Monograph

Analysis of STABLE data from Deployment 1, Holderness, UK, October 1994

NOC authors: jjw, johmph
Publication Year: 1996
Publication type: Monograph

Analysis of STABLE data from Deployment 2, Holderness, UK, January-February, 1995

NOC authors: jjw, johmph
Publication Year: 1996
Publication type: Monograph

Dissolved and particulate trace metals in hydrothermal plumes at the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge

NOC authors: rame1
Publication Year: 1996
Publication type: Article

DMSO: a significant compound in the biogeochemical cycle of DMS

NOC authors: Angela Hatton
Publication Year: 1996
Publication type: Book section

Oceanography and sedimentation in the semi-enclosed, deep-water Gulf of Corinth (Greece)

NOC authors: mbc, mnt
Publication Year: 1996
Publication type: Article

Optical Plankton Counter SeaSoar data collected on "Polarstern" Cruise ANT-XIII/2, 04 Dec 1995 - 24 Jan 1996

NOC authors: rtp, jfr
Publication Year: 1996
Publication type: Monograph

RRS 'Challenger' Cruise 125, Leg A: Ardrossan to Ardrossan, 31 January - 12 February 1996. LOIS Shelf Edge Study

NOC authors: John Howarth
Publication Year: 1996
Publication type: Monograph

SeaSoar operations and data collected on "Polarstern" Cruise ANT-XIII/2, 04 Dec 1995 - 24 Jan 1996

NOC authors: jta, rtp, jfr
Publication Year: 1996
Publication type: Monograph

The Holderness coastal experiment '93-'96

NOC authors: Paul Bell, jdh, Andrew Lane, Rose Player, jjw, Judith Wolf
Publication Year: 1996
Publication type: Monograph

The modification of tidal ellipses by stratification in the Rhine ROFI

NOC authors: Alejandro Souza, johmps
Publication Year: 1996
Publication type: Article

The Role of the Ocean Circulation in the Changing Climate

NOC authors: W. John Gould
Publication Year: 1996
Publication type: Book section

A comparison of sensible and latent heat flux estimates for the North Atlantic ocean

NOC authors: Elizabeth Kent, pkt
Publication Year: 1995
Publication type: Article

Brent Spar or Broken Spur? (correspondence)

NOC authors: rame1, ram1, rwn2
Publication Year: 1995
Publication type: Article

Current profile, water level and temperature records, April 1993 - May 1994. Cumbrian Coast

NOC authors: Rose Player
Publication Year: 1995
Publication type: Monograph

Depth-Integrated Vorticity Budget of the Southern Ocean from a General Circulation Model

NOC authors: bac
Publication Year: 1995
Publication type: Article

H.F. Radar (OSCR) surface current measurements in the North Channel, July 1993 - August 1994

NOC authors: Rose Player
Publication Year: 1995
Publication type: Monograph

LOIS RACS(C): Humber plume and E. coast RRS "Challenger" 119A cruise report

NOC authors: Roy Lowry
Publication Year: 1995
Publication type: Monograph

Plate boundary reorganization at a large-offset, rapidly propagating rift

NOC authors: Tim Le Bas
Publication Year: 1995
Publication type: Article

Report on characteristics of WMO47 Metadata

NOC authors: Elizabeth Kent
Publication Year: 1995
Publication type: Monograph

RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 85, 11 Apr - 07 May 1994. Pelagic ecology of the Globan Spur shelf break

NOC authors: Philip Pugh
Publication Year: 1995
Publication type: Monograph

RRS Discovery Cruise 213, 06 Jan-21 Feb 1995. South West Indian Ocean Experiment (SWINDEX)

NOC authors: rtp, jfr
Publication Year: 1995
Publication type: Monograph

RRS Discovery Cruise 214, 26 Feb-09 Mar 1995. Agulhas Current Experiment

NOC authors: hlb
Publication Year: 1995
Publication type: Monograph

Semidiurnal switching of stratification in the Region of Freshwater Influence of the Rhine

NOC authors: johmps, Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 1995
Publication type: Article

The chemistry of hydrothermal fluids from the Broken Spur site, 29°N Mid-Atlantic ridge

NOC authors: rame1, pmrp
Publication Year: 1995
Publication type: Article