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Ocean processes and climate phenomena

NOC authors: W. John Gould
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Book section

Ocean surface water mass transformation

NOC authors: George Nurser
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Book section

Oceanographic timeseries observatories

NOC authors: scu
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Book section

Oceanography from space: past success, future challenge

NOC authors: thg, Peter Challenor, Meric Srokosz
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Book section

Offshore continuation of volcanic rift zones, El Hierro, Canary Islands

NOC authors: dgma
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

On the origin and pathway of the saline inflow to the Nordic Seas: insights from models

NOC authors: Adrian New
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

On the radiated noise of the Autosub autonomous underwater vehicle

NOC authors: gxg
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

On the role of the Azores Current in the ventilation of the North Atlantic Ocean

NOC authors: Adrian New
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

Ondas de sedimento de origen turbiditico en los margenes y cuendas profundas del Atlantico

NOC authors: Russell Wynn
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

Oxyphotobacteria: antenna ring around photosystem I

NOC authors: tsb
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

Pelagic production at the Celtic Sea shelf break

NOC authors: djh, Richard Lampitt
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

Physical structures, advection and mixing in the region of Goban Spur

NOC authors: John Huthnance, Philip Knight, Bablu Sinha
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

Phytoplankton distribution and survival in the thermocline

NOC authors: cmm297, pmh1, djh
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

Phytoplankton production and community structure in an unstable frontal region

NOC authors: Adrian Martin
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

Potential impact of climate change on marine export production

NOC authors: Gurvan Madec
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

Private planet: corporate plunder and the fight back

NOC authors: ddc
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Book

Reproduction, seasonality, and copper toxicity in the coastal mysid Praunus flexuosus

NOC authors: lspe
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

Research for a blue planet

NOC authors: pjhe
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

Retrievable cages open up new era in deep-sea vent research

NOC authors: drd
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

Role of the Agulhas Current in Indian Ocean circulation and associated heat and freshwater fluxes

NOC authors: hlb
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

Rossby waves detected in global ocean colour data

NOC authors: Paolo Cipollini, ddc, Peter Challenor
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

SALTS: latest float deployments in the N E Atlantic

NOC authors: Penny Holliday
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

Sea surface height observations of the 34N 'waveguide' in the North Atlantic.

NOC authors: ddc
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

Sedimentary processes shaping the eastern slope of the Faeroe-Shetland Channel

NOC authors: dgma
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

Shipboard observations during WOCE

NOC authors: Brian King
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Book section

Single point current meters

NOC authors: gxg
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Book section

Some observations of biophysical interaction in the ocean using high frequency acoustics

NOC authors: gxg
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article

Standard and special: Sensors used during the Autosub Science Missions programme

NOC authors: gxg, Steve McPhail, pst, David Smeed, ks1, pjs1, Douglas Connelly
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Book section

Submarine landslides around the Canary Islands

NOC authors: clj, Tim Le Bas
Publication Year: 2001
Publication type: Article
