Pam Talbot MBE

Warm congratulations to Pam Talbot, formerly departmental secretary for Biology, Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems, who received an MBE in the recent Queen’s birthday honours list. The award is for services to the National Oceanography Centre and its predecessors over a period spanning 45 years.

Pam, who retired at the end of March 2010, joined the…

Professor Philip Woodworth MBE (British Ceremonial Arts Ltd)

In recognition of his work as an international sea-level scientist, Professor Philip Woodworth of the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) has recently visited Buckingham Palace to receive an MBE.

Over the last twenty years Professor Woodworth has led a team of NOC scientists working on predicting global and regional sea-level change.


Prof. Andrew Willmott, Stephanie Henson and Prof. Ed Hill

Stephanie Henson of the Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems group, National Oceanography Centre, was announced as the winner of the Early Career Research Award at the Science and Technology Symposium earlier this month.

Stephanie’s winning paper was: Henson et al. (2010) Detection of anthropogenic climate change in satellite records of ocean…

Professor Philip Woodworth MBE

Professor Philip Woodworth of the National Oceanography Centre in Liverpool has been awarded an MBE in the 2011 New Year’s Honours List.

Philip was Director of the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) for over 20 years. The PSMSL is the global databank for sea-level change information and it is largely thanks to its dataset that we are able…

Prof. Woodworth (right) accepting the award from Prof. Markku Poutanen (left) and Prof. Susanna Zerbini (centre) of the EGU

The 2010 Vening Meinesz Medal of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) was awarded to Professor Philip Woodworth of the National Oceanography Centre in recognition of his outstanding contributions to sea-level research.

Prof. Woodworth is a senior scientist at the NOC, Liverpool, and his research deals with understanding the trends and variability in…