
Marine Life Talk – 5 May 2011

Climate change reality? (photo by Jeff Hawkins 2011)

Understanding the scientific basis of climate change – 19.30pm at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton –

by Prof Eelco Rohling

Is climate change real? Is it man made? Is it a problem?

Ocean Business 2011

Prof. Edward Hill (NOC, left), Dr Wendy Watson Wright (IOC), and Versha Carter (Intelligent Exhibitions Ltd)

Dr Wendy Watson Wright, Executive Secretary of the IOC and Assistant Director General of UNESCO visited Ocean Business 2011 on 5th April.

National Climate Week marked with solar power boost

The NOC PV array during installation (the gaps between the panels allow the continued use of sky lights in the area)

The start of the UK’s first national Climate Week on Monday 21 March is marked in Southampton with the unveiling of one of the largest solar power installations in the area.

Ocean and Earth Day visitor map

Ocean and Earth Day

Ocean and Earth Day is on Saturday 19 March 2011
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton (through Dock Gate 4)
10:30am – 4:00pm (last admission 3:30pm)

Visitors to Ocean and Earth Day can learn more about the impact of mankind on the oceans’ delicate ecosystems – and what NOCS is doing to reduce its carbon footprint.

Marine Life Talk – 7 April 2011

Tompot blenney (credit: Matt Doggett)

Marine Conservation and the Solent – 19.30pm at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton –

by Amy Dale –

The Autosub Long Range AUV completes its first sea trials

Autosub LR being lowered into the water

Hosted by the research ship the RRS Discovery, the latest in the Autosub series of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), Autosub Long Range, has successfully completed its first set of sea trials in a location in the deep Atlantic Ocean, 300 miles south-west of the Canary Islands.

Observing Arctic ice-edge plankton blooms from space

False-colour satellite image of ice-edge phytoplankton blooms

Ongoing climate-driven changes to the Arctic sea-ice could have a significant impact on the blooming of tiny planktonic plants (phytoplankton) with important implications for the Arctic ecosystem, according to new research conducted by scientists at the UK’s National Oceanography Centre (NOC).

International consortium to study impacts of iron fertilisation

Natural iron fertilisation artound the Crozet Islands.southern Indian Ocean

Scientists at the UK’s National Oceanography Centre (NOC) will participate in an international effort to assess the efficacy of ocean iron fertilisation (OIF) in reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere, as well as its potential impacts on marine ecosystems.

Marine Life Talk – 3 March 2011


The Census of Marine Life: what have we learned from this 10 year programme? – 19.30pm at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton –

by Professor Paul Tyler

Discovery milestone

Ed Hill (left) at the keel-laying ceremony

The construction of a state-of-the-art research ship for UK marine science reached a significant milestone in Vigo, Northern Spain, this week with the keel-laying ceremony for the new RRS Discovery.
