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RRS Discovery Cruise Report: Cruise D301B and D302. Indian Ocean, 20 March - 11 April 2006.

NOC authors: gdq
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Monograph

RV Prince Madog Cruise PD05/06, 8-10 February 2006

NOC authors: Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Monograph

RV Prince Madog Cruise PD09/06, 6-9 March 2006

NOC authors: Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Monograph

RV Prince Madog Cruise PD11/06A, 25-26 March 2006

NOC authors: bdm
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Monograph

Scattering of barotropic Rossby waves by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current

NOC authors: ajwil
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

Seafloor facies related to upward methane flux within a Giant Pockmark of the Lower Congo Basin

NOC authors: ayg
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

Seasonal changes in speciation of dissolved chromium in the surface Sargasso Sea

NOC authors: Douglas Connelly, pjs1
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

Seasonal dynamics of bacterioplankton community structure at a coastal station in the western English Channel

NOC authors: Mikhail Zubkov
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

Second-order moment advection scheme applied to Arctic Ocean simulation

NOC authors: Miguel Morales Maqueda
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

Sedimentary structures offshore Ortona, Adriatic Sea: deformation or sediment waves?

NOC authors: cbe, dgma
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

SERPENT annual report 2005

NOC authors: Daniel Jones
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Monograph

Shallow seabed methane gas could pose coastal hazard

NOC authors: Angus Best
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

Simulation of heavy gas dispersion based on depth-averaged equations

NOC authors: rksh
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Conference item

Solibore induced slope mixing in the Faroe-Shetland Channel

NOC authors: John Huthnance
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Conference item

Some important issues to do with long-term sea level change

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

Some indications of the socio-economic benefits of improved marine-monitoring instrumentation

NOC authors: dtp
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

Sounding out sediment transport: observations and modelling of ripple-generated vortices

NOC authors: Peter Thorne, Alan M. Davies
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

Spatial patterns of Antarctic deep-sea soft-bottom biodiversity

NOC authors: Andrew Gooday
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

Standards-based data interoperability in the climate sciences

NOC authors: Raymond Cramer, Roy Lowry
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

Submarine landslides: processes, triggers and hazard prediction

NOC authors: dgma, Russell Wynn
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

Surface currents and waves in Liverpool Bay

NOC authors: John Howarth, Judith Wolf, Roger Proctor, Rose Player
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

Syringe pumped high speed flow cytometry of oceanic phytoplankton

NOC authors: Mikhail Zubkov
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

Temporal and spatial characteristics of sea surface height variability in the North Atlantic Ocean

NOC authors: ddc
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

Temporal record of lithium in seawater: A tracer for silicate weathering?

NOC authors: rame1
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

The 26 December 2004 Sumatra Tsunami recorded on the coast of west Africa

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

The airflow distortion at instruments sites on the RRS "James Cook"

NOC authors: Ben Moat, Margaret Yelland, ebc
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Monograph

The Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea as connected systems

NOC authors: mnt
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Book section

The Atlantic Conveyor

NOC authors: Val Byfield
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Book section

The Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) Programme: a contextual view 1995–2005

NOC authors: Alex Poulton, pmh1, Mikhail Zubkov
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

The Bellingshausen Sea

NOC authors: jfr
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Book section

The Campbell ferromanganese nodule field in the southern part of New Zealand’s Exclusive Economic Zone

NOC authors: Ian Wright
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Book section

The digital cache: an integrative role for IAMSLIC in the worlds of metadata, harvesters and repositories

NOC authors: ps
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Book section

The ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2005

NOC authors: Penny Holliday
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

The ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2005

NOC authors: Penny Holliday
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Article

The Liverpool Bay Coastal Observatory — Analysis of Seasonal Cycles

NOC authors: Roger Proctor, Philip Knight, Jason Holt, John Siddorn
Publication Year: 2006
Publication type: Book section