Somalia Fisheries: The History, Challenges and Opportunities

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Ocean Science in Action - Oceans of the future

8. The world's strongest seasonal upwelling

8.1 Somalia Fisheries: The History, Challenges and Opportunities

Video duration - 09:31

At 3,300 km, Somalia has the longest coastline in continental Africa. Its extensive Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) includes one of the largest seasonal upwelling systems in the world. It supports a variety of fisheries which, if left unmanaged, can be easily over-exploited.

Compared to other countries, there is more uncertainty over the total volume of fish catches from Somalia’s EEZ and highlights the urgent need for research on Somali fisheries.

You will learn about the various types of species found in Somali waters; including large pelagics, small pelagics, demersal, reef and lobster species, and the different fishing fleets, including artisanal coastal fisheries and the foreign industrial sectors. At present, growth of the fisheries sector is restricted by a lack of co-ordinated governance, a lack of suitable fisheries infrastructure, and coastal geography. Somalia’s fisheries could support a thriving fisheries sector if they are well managed, well-monitored and sufficient value is obtained by Somalis.

F. James, S. Akester - MacAlister Elliott

Further Reading:

Barwell, L., Bosire, J., Bourjea, J., Schleyer, M.H., Celliers, L. and Paula, J., 2018. Regional State of the Coast Report Western Indian Ocean. The United Nations Environment Programme/Nairobi Convention Secretariat.

Obura, D. et al. 2017. Reviving the Western Indian Ocean Economy: Actions for a Sustainable Future. WWF International, Gland, Switzerland. 64 pp.

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