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Prince Madog Cruise 23/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 55, 30 July-1CAugust 2008

NOC authors: Philip Knight
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Monograph

Prince Madog cruise 29/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 56, 10-12 September 2008

NOC authors: Philip Knight
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Monograph

Prince Madog Cruise 33/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 57, 21st-23rd October 2008

NOC authors: Matthew Palmer
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Monograph

Prince Madog Cruise 37/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 58, 10-12 December 2008

NOC authors: Philip Knight
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Monograph

Radar altimetry: introduction and application to air-sea interaction

NOC authors: Christine Gommenginger
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Book section

Ragnarokk SERPENT visit report

NOC authors: Andrew Gates, Daniel Jones
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Monograph

RAPID-WATCH: keeping an eye on the North Atlantic Ocean

NOC authors: Meric Srokosz
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

Real time sea level data transmission from tide gauges for tsunami monitoring and long term sea level rise observations

NOC authors: Simon Holgate, Peter Foden, Jeff Pugh, Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

Recent global sea level acceleration started over 200 years ago?

NOC authors: Svetlana Jevrejeva, Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

Red coralline algae as a source of marine biogenic dimethylsulphoniopropionate

NOC authors: Angela Hatton
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

Regional scale impacts of distinct CO2 additions in the North Sea

NOC authors: Roger Proctor, Jason Holt
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

Relative importance of mass and volume changes to global sea level rise

NOC authors: Svetlana Jevrejeva
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

Reliability Case Notes No. 2. PAP 2007: DOMS mooring loss report

NOC authors: Richard Lampitt, mait, Jon Campbell, Dan Comben, txe, gxg, Mark Hartman, Susan Hartman, kel1, Maureen Pagnani, Corinne Pebody
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Monograph

Reprocessing altimeter data records along European coasts: lessons learned from the ALTICORE Project

NOC authors: Helen Snaith, Paolo Cipollini
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Book section

Reproduction of gastropods from vents on the East Pacific Rise and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

NOC authors: pat8, mb11
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

Residual circulation and horizontal density gradients in the Liverpool Bay region of freshwater influence

NOC authors: Alejandro Souza, John Howarth
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Conference item

Response to Comment on "Phytoplankton Calcification in a High-CO2 World"

NOC authors: dir, Alex Poulton, sxg
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

RRS Discovery Cruise 321, 24 Jul-23 Aug 2007. Biophysical interactions in the Iceland Basin 2007

NOC authors: jta
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Monograph

RRS Discovery Cruise 323, 19 Sep-03 Oct 2007. First deepwater trials of the Autosub6000 AUV.

NOC authors: Steve McPhail
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Monograph

RRS Discovery Cruise D324, 06 Oct-09 Nov 2007. RAPID Mooring Cruise Report

NOC authors: scu
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Monograph

Running climate models on grids using G-R ex

NOC authors: Jon Blower
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

RV Prince Madog PD04/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise, 12-15 February 2008

NOC authors: Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Monograph

RV Ronald H. Brown Cruise RB0701, 21 Mar-10 Apr 2007. RAPID mooring cruise report

NOC authors: tok
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Monograph

Scale invariant characteristics of the Storegga Slide and implications for large-scale submarine mass movements

NOC authors: cbe, dgma
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

Scientific review - marine air temperature

NOC authors: David Berry, Elizabeth Kent
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

Scientific review - ocean salinity

NOC authors: Penny Holliday
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

Scientific review - sea temperature

NOC authors: Penny Holliday, Elizabeth Kent, rma, David Berry
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

Sea level change past and future

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Conference item

Sea level forcing in the Mediterranean Sea between 1960 and 2000

NOC authors: mnt
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

Sea level variations

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

Sea levels at Newlyn 1915-2005: analysis of trends for future flooding risks

NOC authors: dtp
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

Seabed photography from an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

NOC authors: Daniel Jones, Steve McPhail, Brian Bett
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Book section

Sediment waves and bedforms

NOC authors: Russell Wynn, dgma
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Book section

Sedimentary features and processes in the Nazaré and Setúbal submarine canyons, west Iberian margin

NOC authors: Russell Wynn, dgma, ppew
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

Sensors for physical fluxes at the sea surface: energy, heat, water, salt

NOC authors: Margaret Yelland, Robin Pascal
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

SERPENT annual report 2007

NOC authors: Rob Curry, Daniel Jones, Andrew Gates, smj30, ajg1
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Monograph

SERPENT Cruise Reports 2007

NOC authors: Andrew Gates, Daniel Jones
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Monograph

Serpentine gallery

NOC authors: Daniel Jones, Andrew Gates
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article

Size–frequency dynamics of NE Pacific abyssal ophiuroids (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea)

NOC authors: Henry Ruhl
Publication Year: 2008
Publication type: Article