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Retracking altimeter waveforms near the coasts

NOC authors: Christine Gommenginger, gdq, Peter Challenor
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Book section

Notes on a 1-D model of continental shelf resonances

NOC authors: David Webb
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Monograph

Electroporation and lysis of marine microalga Karenia brevis for RNA extraction and amplification

NOC authors: bmm1g08, mnt199, Matthew Mowlem
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Production of siderophore type chelates in Atlantic Ocean waters enriched with different carbon and nitrogen sources

NOC authors: mzg, jam2, Mikhail Zubkov, eric
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

ICOADS release 2.5: extensions and enhancements to the surface marine meteorological archive

NOC authors: David Berry, Elizabeth Kent
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Satellite Altimetry: sailing closer to the coast

NOC authors: Paolo Cipollini, Christine Gommenginger, sg26g06, Helen Snaith, Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Book section

A spar buoy for high frequency wave measurements and detection of wave breaking in the open ocean

NOC authors: Robin Pascal, Margaret Yelland, Meric Srokosz, Ben Moat, emw, Dan Comben, Mark Hartman
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Air–Sea fluxes from ICOADS: the construction of a new gridded dataset with uncertainty estimates

NOC authors: David Berry, Elizabeth Kent
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

A Markov Chain state transition approach to establishing critical phases for AUV reliability

NOC authors: mait, gxg
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Ocean eddies

NOC authors: Chris Hughes
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Book section

Using acoustics for studying mixed sediment entrainment over heterogeneous seabeds

NOC authors: Peter Thorne, bdm
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Book section

Acoustic Backscatter measurements in two dimensions. The acoustic suspended sediment imager

NOC authors: bdm, Peter Thorne
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Book section

Measurement and modelling of suspended sediment size profiles above sandy rippled beds under waves

NOC authors: Peter Thorne, rbol
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Book section

A study of sediment suspension in the diffusive and vortex regimes under irregular waves

NOC authors: Peter Thorne
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Book section

A two year comparison between HF radar and ADCP current measurements in Liverpool Bay

NOC authors: John Howarth
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

The Tyndall coastal simulator

NOC authors: Judith Wolf, jele
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Processes contributing to the evolution and destruction of stratification in the Liverpool Bay ROFI

NOC authors: elow, trip, John Howarth
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Sea-level spectral maps

NOC authors: Joanne Williams, Chris Hughes
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Conference item

High Latitude Atmosphere Ocean Coupling in Sea Level Records

NOC authors: Angela Hibbert
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Thesis

Measurements and modelling of bed stress and suspended sediment over a coastal sandy bed

NOC authors: rbol, Peter Thorne, Judith Wolf
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Book section

Intrawave modeling of turbulent flow and sediment transport over rippled beds

NOC authors: Laurent Amoudry, Paul Bell, Alejandro Souza, Peter Thorne
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Book section

Probe technology for the direct measurement and sampling of Ellsworth Subglacial Lake

NOC authors: Matthew Mowlem, mnt199, emw, cfaf, Kevin Saw, lrf, Robin Brown, dpearce, James Wyatt, mait, daho, gxg, dmbl, lmca, racl, hfjc, cshi, rcah, ecki, kmak, amsm, amta
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Book section

Three dimensional circulation modeling in the Dee Estuary

NOC authors: rbol, Jennifer Brown, Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

How mathematical models can aid our understanding of climate

NOC authors: John Huthnance
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Correction to "Long-term and recent changes in sea level in the Falkland Islands"

NOC authors: Phil Woodworth, dtp
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Lunar tides in Loch Ness, Scotland

NOC authors: dtp, Phil Woodworth
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Origin of freshwater and polynya water in the Arctic Ocean halocline in summer 2007

NOC authors: Sinhue Torres-Valdes, epab
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Observations of fluid-dependent shear-wave splitting in synthetic porous rocks with aligned penny-shaped fractures

NOC authors: mhch, Angus Best, jsoth, clican, xyl
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Subduction over the Southern Indian Ocean in a high-resolution atmosphere-ocean coupled model

NOC authors: mmlee, George Nurser, jbsall
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Looking for evidence of climate change impacts in the eastern Irish Sea

NOC authors: Jennifer Brown
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Synchronous intensification and warming of Antarctic Bottom Water outflow from the Weddell Gyre

NOC authors: mmm, epab, hjv
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Deterministic coastal morphological and sediment transport modeling: a review and discussion

NOC authors: Laurent Amoudry, Alejandro Souza
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Evaluation of a polynya flux model by means of thermal infrared satellite estimates

NOC authors: Miguel Morales Maqueda
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Using optimum allocation analysis to improve seed mussel stock assessments

NOC authors: James Strong
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article