The NOC Association of Marine Science National Capability Beneficiaries (NOCA) is the main vehicle for our engagement with the beneficiaries of NOC-led marine science National Capability (NC). NC comprises: science, large-scale research infrastructure, small-scale NC-services, facilities and data and National and Public Good.

The National Oceanography Centre (NOC) leads all Marine Science NC, working in partnership with our Delivery Partners, namely the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, the Scottish Association for Marine Science and the Continuous Plankton Recorder Programme delivered by the Marine Biological Association of the UK.​

The NOCA also provides advice to the NOC on wider issues such as the NOC’s role in providing wider national and international leadership; helping convene and coordinate marine science in the UK, and strategic horizon scanning. It is not the role of NOCA to influence the NOC’s wider non-NC activities as an independent research centre.

In addition, two other initiatives fall under the umbrella of the NOCA, these being The Marine Facilities Advisory Board and Climate Linked Atlantic Sector Science Advisory Board, where the NOC International & Strategic Partnerships Office provides secretariat support.

The National Oceanography Centre Association is a strategic platform that brings together the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) funded marine science community to enhance its influence on funders, policy makers and the impact that science has on society.

The NOC Association provides a channel to seek input and share outputs and information with the wider marine science community and its stakeholders. As such, the NOC Association is responsive to the needs and suggestions of its members.

Current activities include the following.

  • Focusing effort on strategic matters affecting UK marine science in the national and international context
  • Developing and targeting inputs to consultations and other marine science briefings
  • Showcasing UK marine science capabilities and achievements to policy makers, industry, learned and professional societies, and the public
  • International engagement in UK, European and International forums, to inform new funding programmes such as Horizon 2020 and the Joint Programming Initiative ‘Oceans’.


The NOC Association formed during the merger of the NERC-managed activity at Liverpool’s Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory and the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, on 1 April 2010. The NERC Council tasked this newly formed National Oceanography Centre to work in closer partnership with institutions across the UK marine science community, not just in research collaborations, and also in a more strategic way.

The NOC Association was created with the view to support wider engagement with the marine science community in an open and impartial way. In particular the NOC Association has the following objectives.

  • Enable the community to formulate and express its views to NERC, the Government and elsewhere
  • Inform policy and influence wider society for support for marine science in the UK
  • Champion the expertise of the NERC-funded marine research community nationally, (through the Governments Marine Science Coordination Committee) and internationally (through representation on international panels and boards).

The NOC Association has developed a community vision, which takes a broad view of the priorities for science and national capability, within the context of the NERC and UK Marine Science Strategies.


The National Oceanography Centre was tasked by NERC with bringing the UK’s marine research community together to develop and produce the document ‘Setting Course – Vision and Priorities for Marine Research’. This new vision statement for the future of marine science was unveiled on 13 December 2011.

Prof. Ed Hill outlined the goals and priorities identified by the marine research community.

This vision statement details the priorities for the next five to ten years. ‘Setting Course’ makes the case for a more integrated marine research community ready and willing to address the big questions about how the earth functions as a whole system. We need to ensure that the oceans are fully recognised for their ability to provide solutions to the big challenges facing society, which concern sustainable use of natural resources and the management of environmental risks and hazards.

Prof. Ed Hill, Executive Director of the National Oceanography Centre

The vision will guide the National Oceanography Centre Association in providing large-scale research infrastructure such as Royal Research Ships, deep submersibles, ocean sensors, sustained observations and data management which support the UK’s marine science community.

Understanding the marine environment and its interactions with Earth systems and human society is one of the most complex and challenging questions of our age; the vision is that this greater understanding will make a profound contribution to sustainable development globally and also to the UK’s wellbeing and competitiveness in the green economy.

Prof. Peter Liss, Chair of the National Oceanography Centre Association’s Steering Board (2011–2019)

Latest News



The NOCA Steering Boardseeks to appoint three new members to help provide advice to the chief executive of the National Oceanography Centre about the strategic development and delivery of marine science national capability. These voluntary positions, starting this summer, offer an exciting opportunity to gain board experience whilst helping the NOCA to shape the direction of national capability programmes.

Vacancy details


The 2025 AGM of the NOCA

The 14th AGM of the NOC Association will take place during the mornings of Thursday 15th and Friday 16th May 2025. Anyone with an interest in the marine environment is welcome to join this free, on-line event, to be conducted by Zoom.

Further details, including how to register


How the UK stores marine rock samples – and how you can help

Marine rock samples collected by dredge or remotely operated vehicles (ROV) are an exceptional resource of immense scientific value which help inform geoscience research and contribute to the Natural Environment Research Council’s (NERC) research areas including Earth resources, mantle and core processes, physics and chemistry of Earth materials and volcanic processes.

Currently, there is no repository for marine rock samples collected by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funded scientists and research ships so a Rock Store Working Group, involving the National Oceanography Centre (NOC), the British Geological Survey, the British Antarctic Survey and the Universities of Southampton, Strathclyde, Edinburgh and Manchester, is inviting the UK’s marine science community to complete a survey which will help define the future requirements for marine dredge rock and ROV rock samples facilities. Results will be provided to the NOC Association of Marine Science National Capability Beneficiaries to consider next steps. The survey is open to UKRI-NERC funded scientists and the closing date for responses is 18 December 2024.


The 2024 AGM of the NOCA

The 13th AGM of the NOC Association will take place during the mornings of Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th June 2024. Anyone with an interest in the marine environment is welcome to join this free, on-line event, to be conducted by Zoom.

Further details, including how to register


Marine Science: Enabling the UK community to come together

The UK’s marine science community organisations include the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS), the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) Association of Marine Science National Capability Beneficiaries (NOCA) and the Challenger Society for Marine Science.

The membership of the NOCA Steering Board decided to create an overview of these organisations to help clarify their remits and explain how they work together.


Upscaling of Marine Autonomy: Marine research community consultation

A recommendation of the landmark Net Zero Oceanographic Capability (NZOC) report was that ‘NERC should expect to double the size of the autonomous fleet it supports every five years.’ In response, the NOCA and the Challenger Society for Marine Science formed the joint Upscaling Autonomy Working Group (UAWG). The UAWG ran a series of information webinars, followed by a consultation, on the future shape of upscaling of marine autonomy in the UK. The report is now published below. Enquiries to Jackie Pearson, NOCA Secretary:

Impacts of COVID 19 on the UK Marine Science Community – SURVEY

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted everyone, and will likely continue to do so for years to come. Those in the UK marine researcher community may have had direct health effects, or may have been impacted indirectly through an increase in caring duties, cancellation of fieldwork or laboratory closures, or economic set-backs. The National Oceanography Centre Association of Marine Science National Capability Beneficiaries (NOCA) decided to document and understand the wide-ranging impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on UK marine researchers. In July 2020 we approached the community to seek members for a working group to tackle this issue. The working group created an anonymous survey which was intended for UK-based marine scientists working in research (academia, industry, education, public sector).

The Working Group produced a written report on the findings and a short video presentation in early 2021.

UK Marine Science and Technology Compendium

The UK Marine Science and Technology Compendium has been compiled with input from across the UK’s vibrant marine community. The database provides an overview of marine research institutes, university departments, the marine industry sector, government bodies representing marine and marine-related Non-Governmental Organisations. Please check your institution’s entry and advise Jackie Pearson, NOC Partnerships Office, of updates needed.

image of the four elements of the Compendium: Research, Equipment, Ships and Consultancy

The NOC Association Steering Board

The overarching objective of the NOC Association Steering Board is to facilitate those engaged in the NERC funded marine science community to work together to advance UK marine science.

The Steering Board for the NOC Association is a non-executive body whose primary role is to provide advice to the Executive Director NOC on the development, activities and priorities of the NOC Association to deliver its objective; to enhance its impact and to assist in optimising its engagement and synergy with the wider UK and international marine science community.


General membership

NOC Association members and their participation in meetings, events and activities, drive the NOC Association.

General membership of the NOC Association is open to all who are part of the NERC marine science community. Membership requires a willingness and commitment to engage positively. Participation will help to enable the NOC Association community to influence the direction of key areas of marine science and national capability.

Formally, membership of the NOC Association is institutional (for example at the level of a University School) with nominated individuals representing the institution. Clusters or consortia of institutions are also welcome.

General members Affilliation
Prof. Jane Francis British Antarctic Survey
Dr John Siddorn National Oceanography Centre
David McInroy British Geological Survey
Prof. Nick Owens Scottish Association for Marine Science
Dr Carol Sparling SMRU | Sea Mammal Research Unit (
Prof. Willie Wilson Marine Biological Association
Dr Will Homoky University of Leeds
Dr David Bailey University of Glasgow
Dr John Barlow University of Sussex
Prof. Jenny Collier Imperial College/Grantham Institute
Dr Helen Czerski University College London
Dr Sarah Davies University of Leicester
Prof. Jamie Dick Queen’s University Belfast
Prof. Nick Dodd University of Nottingham
Prof. Rob Duck University of Dundee
Prof. Mike Elliott University of Hull
Prof. Paul Fernandes University of Aberdeen
Prof. Teresa Fernandes Heriot Watt University
Prof. Kevin Flynn University of Swansea
Prof. Alex Ford University of Portsmouth
Prof. Keith Haines University of Reading
Prof. Ian Hall University of Cardiff
Prof. Laura Robinson University of Bristol
Prof. Atilla Incecik University of Strathclyde
Prof. Jan Kaiser University of East Anglia
Dr Miguel Morales Maqueda University of Newcastle
Prof. Erin McClymont University of Durham
Dr Christopher McGonigle Ulster University
Dr Caroline Peacock University of Leeds
Prof. Christine Peirce University of Durham
Dr Alex Piotrowski University of Cambridge
Prof. Rosalind Rickaby University of Oxford
Prof. Jonathan Sharples University of Liverpool
Prof. Martin Solan University of Southampton
Dr Michael Steinke University of Essex
Prof. Richard Thompson OBE University of Plymouth
Prof. Sandy Tudhope University of Edinburgh
Prof. John Turner Bangor University
Prof. Andrew Watson FRS University of Exeter
Dr Tom Webb University of Sheffield
Clusters and societies
Cheryl Burgess Society for Underwater Technology
Prof. Mike Meredith The Challenger Society
The following attend meetings alternately
Dr Mark James Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland
Prof. David Paterson Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland  


Annual meetings

NOC Association Steering Board Meeting Minutes



Membership of the Decade Working Group

At the May 2021 AGM of the NOC Association of Marine Science National Capability Beneficiaries, we announced a call for volunteers to create a ‘Decade Working Group’ (DWG), whose remit will be to help generate proposals for potential funding opportunities for UK researchers, either through the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) or central UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) routes.

We received a high number of excellent applications and, based on a balance of expertise and perspectives, have now appointed the following as members of the DWG:

The DWG will be chaired by Prof. Angela Hatton, National Oceanography Centre Director of Science and Technology. Dr Michael Webb, NERC, will provide advice on UKRI’s perspective on opportunities.

Updates about the activities of the DWG will be circulated via NOCA mail shots and on this web site.

Decade Working Group update, December 2021

Further information

Jackie Pearson, Secretary to the NOCA,
National Oceanography Centre